Weekend Plans

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The rest of the week dragged by slowly since Umbridge's evaluation and subsequent argument. The toad had been avoiding him and Merlin could not tell whether to be relieved or worried about whatever she was planning in retaliation. Perhaps Merlin could have been more cautious in telling her off. He felt almost like he was the villain in a movie, monologuing his evil plan before actually enacting it. It never did end well for them and Merlin winced wondering if his actions had brought about trouble for himself later.

He had noticed her glaring all through breakfast but to be honest, Merlin was far too busy thinking about his plans for today to pay it any mind. He just wanted one good day away from the castle and all the drama this place seemed to induce because while Merlin loved his one true home, it attracted trouble almost as much as Arthur and he used to, combined.

Speaking of trouble, Merlin glanced at the Gryffindor table and watched as Neville attempted to practice a charm spell he had no doubt learned yesterday with little success. The most he managed to do was spill pumpkin juice on the girl sitting across from him. Hermione had been watching the scene unfold too, as the fifth year started yelling at poor Neville who looked about to die from fright, and intervened. She quickly spelled the girl's robe clean and obviously said some rather unkind things as the other girl glared and stomped out of the great hall.

Merlin sighed, today would be the perfect day to take Neville to get his new wand. Not to mention having to go to Diagon Alley to find his potion ingredients for his prank on Umbridge. It would kill two birds with one stone and Merlin was always a fan of getting more done than he had hoped for. Now, he only needed to gather permission for Neville to join him on his outing. With him sitting right beside Dumbledore he had very easy access to such a thing.

"Headmaster," Merlin said, gaining the wizard's attention before he continued. "I would like to request the day to go to Diagon Alley and would like to bring Neville Longbottom along as I have an idea to hopefully better his grades."

Dumbledore looked thoughtful only answering him back after he had finished the bite of food he had taken, "If I may inquire as to the idea then I see no harm in allowing a student off the grounds for a few hours," he said and Merlin grinned, eagerly explaining his "theory" that since Neville's wand was technically his father's it would never truly belong to him and therefore it was resisting Neville by having most of his spells backfire on him. A new wand could be the simple solution.

"And who would pay for such a thing?" Dumbledore asked, eyes twinkling as he leaned in, having agreed that the wand most likely was the problem.

"I will, of course. It is no trouble and if it helps one of my students I would gladly pay for it," Merlin said unequivocally.

Dumbledore nodded but still had one last thing to say, "A very charitable thing to do Myriddian, but I insist you use some of Hogwarts treasury as it deals with a student at this school."

Merlin smiled and thanked the headmaster, laughing internally since any money Hogwarts had acquired since its opening had been a small quarter of Merlin's hard-earned coin back in the twelfth century that Dumbledore had very graciously allowed Merlin to use. The irony was not lost on Merlin.


Merlin grinned as he made his way to the Gryffindor tower to collect Neville. He was happy to finally get away without worry over the many secrets or expectations others had for him. Even now, he had not been able to get rid of the weight that had rested squarely on his shoulders since he learned about the prophecy or his being Emrys. The responsibility that the name and title held added to the heavy burden as he protected the druids and magical creatures from mankind's prejudices.

Sadly, not all of Uther's bigotry had faded into nothing and as new religions sprung up, the more his people and kind had to hide. He was only grateful some version of Arthur still existed in a positive light and vowed to hold onto his friend's last words. It was hard because Merlin had changed, time did it to any man, immortal or not. He would not regret all that he had done and become, finally growing into himself in a way he was not able to while living under Uther and Arthur's shadow.

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