Alberta Toothill

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Merlin's POV

After last night I changed my lesson plan for the day. I want to know who else those quills have been used on. Before I can meet with Cornelius again I need to collect evidence for anything to be done about Umbridge.

As the day progresses at least two or three students have looked uncomfortable with the mention of blood quills as today's topic. By the time Harry's class is seated thirteen students have come forward after class about what was happening. I only hope it will be enough. Sitting on top of my desk criss-cross I wait for everyone to take their seats.

"Good evening, now instead of casting spells today," getting a groan for almost everyone in the room," we are going to talk about blood quills." Almost everyone shifts or glances around nervously. Umbridge really has gotten around.

"Officially known as Black quill, as blood quill is its nickname. Invented in 1702 to use for more serious signatures on important documents, such as the first minister of magic who was sworn in. Now, due to the nature of black quills to use the person's blood as ink the would end up being illegal in 1884." Hermione's hand shot up.

"Why did it take so long for the quills to become illegal?" I nodded,

"Excellent question, the first all day to ask. It took so long because they were useful, not only did it make sure you stayed true to whatever you signed it also helped in the medical field. With the limited knowledge they did have on medicine, it was an easy tool to use for bloodletting at the time. It was made illegal when some chose to use it for interrogation and torture methods." Harry was looking at Hermione suspiciously, I couldn't blame him. He tells his friends and the next day his DADA teacher is spouting off about blood quills. After the minilesson, I continue with what I was planning for today.

"Now, this you won't technically learn till next year but I think you can manage. We will learn to cast the more advanced nonverbal spells." Everyone let out excited whispers."Non-verbal spells are a lot harder, so after class your homework it to practice. Group into pairs please, one person will practice the disarming charm while the other will use a shield spell. Once you both can do it I want you to switch." Once I ended my switch they moved to pair up.

The next morning I was headed to the great hall when I heard a loud sound echo through the hall. I changed direction noticing more students as I got closer to the noise. When I got there Filch had just finished putting up another ridiculous rule.


The casting of prohibited spells will result in punishment

See list of prohibited spells in house common rooms

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree

Number One-Hundred and Nine

Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor

I scowled, of course.

"Professor!" I turn to find Hermione making her way towards me with the boys a little further behind.

"She can't possibly do this can she, I looked at the list already. It's almost all defense against the dark arts spells we are supposed to learn." I shake my head.

"I am afraid she does, as of right now. Even with Hogwarts separate from the ministry, they are still trying to control it. Fudge is afraid of you the students rising up, fearing Dumbledore at the head." Hermione frowned.

"That doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense to be true."

"I guess, what are we suppose to do?"

"You could always make a club, I would suggest a club dedicated to Alberta Toothill." Walking away to get breakfast.

Harry's POV

I watched as Professor Emrys left for the great hall.

"What do you reckon he meant by that?" I questioned.

"I fell like I've heard about her before." I look at Ron surprised, Hermione doing a double-take.

"Do you know where?" Ron thought, putting his finger on his chin.

"My chocolate frog cards. She's one of the more rare cards, so not many know about her." pointing his finger in the air towards Hermione.

"Alright during lunch we can look her up." Ron and I groaned not wanting more work than what we already have to do. Hermione huffed, stalking off in the direction of the professor.

Professor Merlin EmrysDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora