Meeting with Aithusa

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Merlin felt the last of his energy leave him as he shut the door of his classroom. He forgot how exhausting teaching could be, what with the competitive nature, and forcing twenty children to listen to him. It would have been easy for them to trample and dismiss him if he didn't set them straight before he started. He has always hated first meetings, and the first days of teaching were no different. Not to mention having to learn over a thousand names.

He trudged down the stairs, only half-aware of his surroundings as he bumped into something hard. He staggered back and blinked owlishly as the something turned. It was Professor Severus Snape.

"Snape, wonderful to see you," Merlin forced his mouth to move and greet the man he had hit. "So sorry by the way," he added lamely, inwardly he winced.

Snape scowled at him, lips pressed into a fine line seeming like he was biting back a scathing response. Merlin appreciated the effort, giving a sheepish smile and skirted around the still silent potions master.

"Right then," Merlin mumbled to himself and forced himself to be more attentive to his surroundings until he could sit down at the staff table for dinner. He plopped down in his chair, not finding the energy to care what anyone else thought; mentally calling for Mimsy.

"What can Mimsy do for you, Master Emrys?" Mimsy asked, eyes wide and innocent, Merlin couldn't stay mad at her for the title. Humming, he gave a smile as he asked for wine.

"Do you still have my favorite wine? I think I might need it tonight," He whispered close to her, quiet enough that Snape could not hear as he finally joined the table.

"Of course," she said, sounding offended at the thought that they didn't. "Mimsy will take care of it." promptly disapparating with a pop and being replaced with a dark red wine and a goblet of water. He felt Snape's eyes on him but didn't turn to look, he knew the man was judging his tastes and wouldn't give the Professor the satisfaction of letting it bother him.

"Merlin!" a voice shrilled inside his head, it made him jump at the sudden intrusion and forced himself not to draw any more attention to himself. He played it off as a headache and massaged his temples in pretense, though not completely. He would need the wine to get through the rest of his night. Merlin knocked back his glass of wine in one go before he deemed to reply.

"You can never do as you're told, can you?" he asked, exasperated already and it was barely eight o'clock. "I can't meet yet. Stay in the Forbidden Forest until I can get there. If I leave now it will look suspicious."

"Fine, but don't be late," they sounded back.

"Am I ever?" Merlin asked keeping himself from physically rolling his eyes, lest someone catch it.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" the disembodied voice bit back dryly. It made Merlin pause as he thought about it. Did he really want them to name each and every time he was late?

"No need, I promise, I'll be there as soon as I can," he vowed before he cut off the link between their minds, he didn't need to be annoyed by them until he visited.


Harry sat down at the table, his head cradled in his arms. Fred and George had been right when they said this year would be brutal with assignments for every teacher and it was only the first day! Harry turned his head to the side to glance at the staff table and found Professor Emrys easily. He was leaning over in his seat, talking to one of the house-elves who disappeared and left behind goblets of something that Harry could only guess at.

Harry was left confused by the man, he was a mystery and a mysterious one at that. The Professor jumped at something before rubbing his temples and proceeded to stare blankly after he drank from one of the goblets. It brought to mind the tarot card he still had in his pocket, he fingered it, playing with the edges as he replayed the encounter. He was brought out of the memory when Hermione and Ron joined him; reluctantly he lifted his head up and nodded in greeting.

Professor Merlin EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now