21: The Rise Of Ava

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She then opened the door and allowed him to enter first

He was then greeted by Saya "Ah hello,are you here to see Goddess Alina?"

He didn't hear her as he was focused on Ava who had bruises all over her body and tubes were attached to her,she looked like she was in a bad state and she was

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him

"A-archer? Is that you?"

He stepped forward and held her hand "Yes...It's me,it's actualy me..."

She then looked up "If this is a dream please don't wake me up"

"It's not a dream sis,I'm back"

She looked at him "But how?"

He looked behind him and saw Goddess Satina enter "Hello Goddess Ava" She said as she did a curtsy

"What the...What are you doing here!?"

"She was the one that brought you here" Archer said

"But why...How!?"

"I'm so sorry for hurting you and your friends Goddess Ava,when you told me that God said 'hi' I couldn't believe it. I thought that He had forgotten about me,I never knew that He still remembers me"

Ava said "He thinks about you all the time Goddess Satina,not a moment passes by that He's not sad about losing you"

Goddess Satina sighed then faced Saya "How was healing her? Was it successful? Will she live?"

Saya smiled and nodded "Yes,she will live. She's very strong physically and mentally,she was able to pull through the medicine I had injected her with"

"That's wonderful! Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome Goddess Satina,now if you may excuse me I have to attend to King Asher now. Make she gets plenty of rest and by I mean plenty I mean PLENTY. I'll check on her later" She then left the room

Goddess Satina then faced Ava and saw her talking to Archer and she decided to join in

"Goddess Ava,may I talk to you?"

The two looked at her and Ava responded "Of course,what is it?"

"Can I talk to you in private? I know I shouldn't interrupt your reunion but I need to ask and tell you something"

"Sure,brother let's talk later okay?"

"Okay,I understand" Archer said as he exited the room

"It's about Sorcerer Adi..."

"Sorcerer Adi? Wait speaking of him,do you know his next move?"

"Although we were allies,he is unpredictable,you know he used to love you and he talked the world about you" Satina said

"H-he loved me? He talks about me?" Ava asked

"He genuinely loved you with all his heart,but his want for power made him blind and here he is today" She replied

A tear fell from her eye and rolled down on her cheek "Maybe I can still...No the past is in the past,I need to let him go..."

Ava wiped her tear away and sat up "Let's just change the topic for now. You said you wanted to know if God still remembers you right?"

"Yes! I do!" She answered enthusiastically

"Since the day you were banished you never left His mind,the council didn't want you there because you were the God of 'Hell' but you were still considered a God but it's probably because you were notorious for causing mischief. It still confuses me to this day as to why they made that decision but..."

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