5: My God...

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She forgot to close her door and she opened another mirror

Asch was going to ask Ava a question regarding about their departure on Earth when he saw light flashing and he decided to peek

"Goddess Ava" The voice said

"Yes my lord?" She said with a bow

"I will allow you to go back to Daemos but don't expect them to be very friendly with you unless your father..."

"Let's hope that the king would accept me and my offer m'lord"

"You have done so much for every creature that lives and crawls on Earth Goddess Ava,you deserve to see your home again...But beware because I sense a very bad aura,the magic crisis that your friends have in their kingdom. The knights of Prince Asch had to fight for the final soul that was once surrounded by a powerful barrier that was secretly broken under...His spell"

"Sorcerer Adi?"

"Yes...I know you loved him before you became a goddess,and I'm sorry for-"

"No your grace,my loyalty stays with you and the other gods. My love for him ended years ago when I first stepped foot in this planet"

"Speaking of loves...Your parents,I'm very sorry for your loss...I know how much you love them and care for them"

"Heh I really did,I had to do so much to protect them because Sorcerer Adi never gets tired sigh...But I guess he got to them before I could get to him"

"Don't worry,God Deicide (god of killer/killing?) and God Thanatos (god of death) will take care of him. You and your parents deserve justice,and I will make sure that they will sleep peacefully once they reach heaven"

"You are too kind my God"

"It's what I can give back to you after taking care of everything and everyone that I've created,thank you so much for staying loyal and serving under my name...It is rest assured that you will have a place here in heaven if the time comes for nature to take it's course and end your time here on Earth"

"I will be waiting for they day to serve beside you my lord" She knelt down and bowed at Him

"I know that I could always count on you Goddess Ava,let's talk again tomorrow and discuss the plans that you have come up with"

She stood up "Yes of course my lord,thank you so much for your time and patience"

He gave her a smile and slight bow as the mirror closed

She could sense someone was watching her and she grinned

"Prince Asch I know you're here"

Asch fully opened the door "You haven't even turned around"

"It's a god/goddess thing I guess...What have you heard?"

"Everything...I'm very sorry my grace I never meant to listen on in a conversation I wasn't a part of"

She turned around "It is quite alright Prince Asch"

"May I ask you something?"

"Hmm? Sure"

"What happened to your brother if you don't mind me asking?"

"I know that's not the real reason why you came here,you came here to ask me when we were going to depart correct?"

"I...Yes my lord"

"Well my brother...Before I was banished from Daemos I was the healer of our kingdom I'm sure you know that,I once healed you when you were on the verge of death because of overusage of your magic. I never knew that you would go down that like,especially a royal...It is very strange"

"I always remembered the lady dressed in white with a cloak on her head...Now,what happened to your brother?"

"My brother was on the verge of death...Unfortunately I wasn't able to heal him because I was emotionally unstable and it made me feel...Weak...For once I felt like I wanted to give up on everything...But I knew I had to move forward,it was for the best"

He looked at her with pitiful eyes "I never knew even though how powerful gods are was that they have a dark side to them"

She smiled bitterly and said "Being a god isn't that easy you know? It's getting late you should sleep now"

"Ah yes of course my lord,rest well" He said with a bow

"Same to you as well"


This is Chapter 5!

Hihi I decided to post early because this story as of today has 100+ reads when I opened Wattpad and I'm so thankful for each and everyone that reads my story! Thank you all so much! And don't worry this isn't the only Chapter that I'll be posting this week,the daily weekend update will still be there,I just decided to do a little something special to thank everyone for reading my story and to celebrate 100+ reads for my first ever story here on Wattpad!

(Can anyone recognize which God Ava was talking too?)

Don't forget to follow me to always get notified whenever I post new Chapters and to vote for my story only if you liked it!

I hope you all enjoyed!

Until next time~


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