10: A Goddess And A Prince

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~Day Before Departure~

She was alone in the living room in her human form but little did she know was that she was being watched

"I wonder what Daemos looks like and how much it's evolved without me or my healing powers...Back then even if I could heal it wasn't my best work...Sigh...Let's hope my offer for the two kingdoms will work,I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I wish for the two kingdoms to finally have peace. The aura,the energy in Daemos is different...I feel it. The magicks have shifted since Adi arrived,he must have done something or done an attempt or two" She started curling her fists

She continued "I just wish I could do more but I'll just upset the gods...Sigh have you ever felt that feeling of guilt and disappointment Asch?"

Asch walked towards her while saying "Of course I have,it never leaves...Not a day goes by that I am not worried for the safety of my kingdom as I am the heir to the throne,but every decision I make as their future king is what I think is best for my people.

And I'm sure that you feel this but on a more heavier level,I may not be a god like you but I have experienced a lot of things enough to say that...Even if we fail,we still did our best right?

It may be hard to accept that you've let down the people around you,but I know that you'll always do better and you'll always rise when you fall" He looked at the window and continued speaking

"We are human err daemos rather,we are not perfect...Although you are a goddess and are immortal you still are human and daemos in some way. You are a princess of your kingdom,a human,an immortal and a goddess,I'm sure you've picked up a thing or two from all that.

Let's say for example your relationship with this Sorcerer Adi,even if looking back you thought that you were too gullible to trust your most beloved you've learnt from it and you were able to do many more great things! You've protected humans,you keep Sorcerer Adi at bay,sacrificed your time,patience,and effort,you have done so much not only for us but for every being here on Earth and on every planet.

I'm sure that your human parents would have been so proud of you and so will your Daemos parents be..." He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her

She looked at him and slightly smiled

"Take it easy on yourself Goddess Ava,I'm not a goddess or human to know how to destress someone but I hope what I told you will help"

She placed her hands on her shoulder where Asch's hand was and leaned into it "Thank you so much Prince Asch,I needed the comfort"

"Is there anything I can do for you to make you feel better?"

"Well I would like Jasmine Tea but I doubt that you know how to make it"

"I may not but I know who does,Rhys!" He said calling out for Rhys

Rhys walked through the wall "Yes Prince Asch?"

"Can you please make some Jasmine Tea for Goddess Ava?"

"Sure thing!" Rhys said heading to the kitchen to boil some water

"Prince Asch you shouldn't have!" She said almost embarassed

"You've helped us out so much,let us do this for you"

"Thank you,I'll be waiting in my room. Feel free to enter whenever" She said entering her room


Who knew Asch could be so caring? Everybody has a soft side even Asch!

This is Chapter 10!

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I hope you all enjoyed!

Until next time~


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