"It's fine. There is enough room for both of us." Her voice was quiet as she pushed herself off the bench and to a punching bag. "Besides it's not safe for you to train alone. You never know what is going to happen."

"You were alone." His voice made her heart skip a beat. Well that was a simple answer, she liked being alone. Where no one could judge her and if she died maybe she could be free of herself and the demons she constantly running from.

She didn't answer as she gestured to the punching bag. He looked at her strangely. Dove was sure it was because she looked strange. Dove was a 5'0 girl, with tattoos and scars lining her body, which she didn't try to hide with her work out clothes. Her body was toned as it has always been. Yet she knew she still looked innocent. That was what I treated so many people.

He eventually walked over and raised his fist. She noticed his unwrapped hands. "Do you want to break your hand?" She said gesturing to his hands. Then he gestured to hers.

"Do you?" Her hands were covered with dried blood. Her knuckles had scabbed over by now, covered in bruises and cuts. She shrugged she had years of doing this. And how was she going to tell a random person she can't feel pain.

"Don't worry about me I can take care of myself." She muttered as she tossed him the wrap. She walked over to the speed bag. She felt his eyes on her as she punched the bag. Luke normally trained with her. Laughing as she knocked him to the floor but he had a life outside of her now. He had friends. This random person was evident in that statement.

And soon he would leave her like they all did. "Who are you?" Dove could tell he already had an idea on who she was. She knew that everyone had whispered about the King that went insane. The Mad King. She wasn't oblivious to her town's gossip.

"Dove." She stated as she looked over her shoulder at the boy. A small smile took over her lips before she went back to her task.

"Dakota." She couldn't tell if he was scared of her or amazed so she settled with scared. Most people were because she was slowly turning more into the Mad King than staying as Dove King.


"You have completely insane!" Luke said as he drove to the house. His seat was covered with blood as the girl sitting besides him was soaked in it. Like she went through a blood storm not a rainstorm. "Going on a mission like that alone! What would Harry say? Alec? You could of fucking died!"

She felt numb as she looked outside at the streets that rolled past her. "Harry isn't here he's in Scotland. I'm sure he's too busy figuring out how to lead a mafia. And Alec would cheer me on." She said monotonously.

"Yeah Harry isn't here but you know what?! He would probably love hearing from you every once and a while. I mean you know better than anyone how to lead a gang at our age. You literally started one and made it one of the most powerful ones in the country in a two years! He needs you."

"No one needs me. Harry has a whole team behind him to help him. He doesn't need me. You don't need me. You go off and be normal. Alec hates me. I have no one." Luke looked over to his best friend. Or the shell of what she used to be. She has lost herself, Maxim's words were becoming true.

She was just a weapon. A blood thirsty weapon. Heartless. Killing machine.

Luke shut the engine of his car off as she got out. Her footsteps leaving a blood trail behind her. Quiet fell among them a tell tale sign that Dove was doing bad. Whenever she isn't cracking jokes, talking non stop, belittling someone, she was in a dark state of mind.

As she stepped inside the shower, she felt her body start to break down. But she kept it together as the hot water rushed down her back. Letting the clear water turn to a light red as it swirled down the drain. She knew she would allow herself to break down. Cry. But she saw no point in a meaningless emotion. Sadness doesn't do any good. Just distracts you by making you wallow in self pity.

She had a job to uphold now. She turned off the water and stepped out drying herself off. She heard the door bell go off  as she just finished getting dressed. She walked out of her room and made her way to the door.

Opening it she saw a young girl. Her face full of nerves as she looked at the infamous woman in front of her. "What are you doing here pipsqueak?" Dove asked wondering why the hell a kid was standing on her doorstep.

"I- I needed a place to go." Her voice was quiet as if she was scared the girl would spite her down. But Dove didn't. She just stared at the girl. Her blonde hair. Green eyes. She was standing at a stranger's doorstep running away from whatever. Bravely coming to a home where she knew killer's resided.

The kid reminded her of herself. And she saw someone needed her, her heart seemed to pick up its familiar beat. She hasn't heard it in years. "Come on kid. You look cold and hungry." She said opening the door wider to allow the girl to come in.

A small smile broke out on the kid's face as she took a step in. And from then on she vowed as long as this kid needed her she wouldn't allow herself to slip.

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