Chapter 3: The Date

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Kara's pov...
   Friday came by fast me and Barry have just been talking the days before. I am super excited for our date. Alex said I shouldn't go because Barry's cold and heartless. I asked him about it he said he is bitter about what happened to him.                         Understandable after being tortured by your birth family since birth till your ten and the only people that cared for him we're murdered and nobody wanted him I mean who wouldn't and he also admitted he had some trust issues.
   I am stressed out though I mean I am smarter than all the other kids. I have to watch what I say or I can give away that I am a alien. I am just scared of what Barry will think of me if he finds out but when I look at him all my problems just go away.
   I like most of the kids at school the are cool even though they don't talk to me. There is one girl I hate and that is no other than Iris West she has a crush on Barry! When I talk to Barry about it he asked if I trust him. I say yes right away he says I have nothing to be afraid of. He said that who is he going on a date with when I answer he says yes and he wouldn't have it any other way. Why I am still scared he will leave me for Iris but his answer gave me some resurence.
   Any way I am getting ready for my date with Alex like the good older sister she was helping me. I am scared though I am going to tell him that I am a alien tonght. I know it might be soon but I feel like he wouldn't judge me. There were 5 minutes left to get ready and I was done getting ready. I was wearing a yellow dress with a brown belt. My hair was in a bun(outfit from supergirl season 1 ep18 world's finest.) There was a knock on the door I answered.
   There he was wearing a brown with red stripes shirt with a white t-shirt underneath and jeans. He looked so sexy... Wait where did that come from?
   Hey Kara ready to go. He asked me.
I said yeah let me grab my purse.(just to let you know that on the pov of a person I will do normal text and other people will be whatever the hell the text is from the line ready to go) I asked him where are we going he said it was a surprise. We walked to his car and opened the door for me and said  mi lady. I giggled and said thank you kind sir. We drove to a picnic next to a beautiful full lake with the moon reflecting off of it. I gasped and said he didn't have to do it he said no he wanted to and sometimes want is more important than need. I smiled and kissed him he kissed back pulling away I said let's eat. He seemed nervous about something so I asked him what was wrong he took a deep breath and said there was something he needed to tell me and please don't judge him until he finishes what he has to say I say yes. He took a deep breath and started talking he said that he loves me. I was shocked and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smiled said I loved him to. He smiled and kissed me I loved the feel of his lips. I was about to tell him that I was a alien when my phone rang. I sighed and answered it was Eliza telling me to get home I asked why it only been about 30 minutes. She said no it's been 3 hours I checked my phone to see is was 10 pm I was shocked about how fast I lost track of time. I told Barry and he said he will drop me off. Barry than asked me a question that caught me off guard he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend I said yes with a huge smile. He drove back to the house and said see you tomorrow I said of course. I went to bed after a giant interrogation from Alex and Eliza with a huge smile on my face.
Barry's pov...
I had the time of my life on our date I was happier than I have been in a long time. When I got back to my house (he lives alone no parents or family or friends) I sensed something in the atmosphere it was the only thing that could kill me... Doomsday.

Yo chapter 3 done what you think if your wondering what version of Doomsday it is it's the one from Batman v superman Dawn of Justice. He will have a bit more powers than the one from the movie that will be revealed next chapter. Kara will find out Barry is a alien and the other way around. I also realized that I didn't mention all of Barry's powers. He can do anything except change death he also can see the futures and has to play out exactly how it does in his vision. I should also start saying this I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FROM DC OR CW I cannot stress that enough. Till next time peace

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