part 1

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  Cock crows!!! "Wake up my daughter it's high time you prepare for school,"said Jane's mother. "Oh another pathetic day at school,"thought Jane as she moved out of her threadbare blanket and held her toothbrush. Her school was 1km away from home and she had to pad all the way to school ,she usually entered class late but teachers always paid a deaf ear  because they knew her problems.when it reached break time, she didn't have money for break ..but always packed maize in her small sisal bag was real poverty. "Can we become friends," said Recheal one of the richest children in school," yes, we can," she replied with a cheek reaching smile. They really became very tight friends.
  One day, Amanda, a well known show off girl.. in school, entered class and said,"this poor girl might have done her witchcraft and brain watched Racheal  to scoop so low by being her friend," these words reached Jane's heart and ended up starting a severe fight which ended up in the principal's office and in no time, the two were suspended for a week but leaving Amanda nursing wounds. poor Jane had no words to give to tell her parents because if she tells them the truth, she would be roasted and so she had to lie ," why are you home this early?"asked her mother. "Mom we have been given a simple break from school for a week to help our parents in housework and be tought morally," the poor lied .
   Before sunrise,Jane and her parents were already in the garden. As her dad was resting Abit under the tree, he received a phone was the principal....before the call ended, her father was already looking like a python ready to engulf a Billy goat ..his face was all red ..Jane was already shivering.......

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