Chapter 1- Missing

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I heard a loud noise coming out of my neighbour's house. "what is happening? Mom, Dad and Sophie are you there?, no one answered.

Walked into my little sister's room, Sophie are you okay? (She was seen squeezing her baby doll, one could tell that she was scared.) She whispered shaking her head, yes... Buuu tt.. It took mom and dad, Her voice was soft, almost fragile. I guessed she'd been crying, her voice was cracked and caught in her throat.

I was numb for a sec, Sophie was still shaking, kind of, so i told her to take a rest...she went to bed thereafter.

Still astounded by her words that kept ringing in my ears" They took Mom and Dad.. Who, how, when, where i was really confused.,so i ran quickly to my parent's room because i couldn't have believed that mom and dad were gone....

I was in my parents room and i couldn't find anyone only my dad's leftover lunch, i became scared.. At that time i was feeling dizzing and gasping for air, i couldn't imagine that an unknown spirit took them so i saw it as unusual , but who could the men be, who took mom and dad, what was happening??? (blacked out)

I woke up from my subconsciousness, i could feel the anxiety running through my spine, oof I remembered Sophie, i stood up and went to her room..

Immediately Sophie said Mom!! Dad!! Is that you, are you there?... I felt so bad so i went in, i knew she misses mom and dad so much so i had to console her about it...

I decided to call 911 to alert them on what's going on, so i took dad's old cellphone beside his cupboard close to a standby mirror...

Dialing.... the number, Omg!! Someone answered...
911 what's your emergency??
At that moment, I felt like I was released from bondage. So I rushed my words like never before.

Hello,please my name is Emily, i heard a strange noise at my house and couldn't find my parents, my sister is so scared.. Please help us!! , please we need your help!! (I started sobbing) help us!! I feel like my house is haunted or something, please!! I kept on saying that word.

In a deep voice, he said firmly..Emily,please calm down, we are always here for you, so tell me where do you live??

Uhmmm... I live in in in in, words escaped from my mouth..
Hello, hello, who's there, Emily are you there? The words were like shadows that passed by...i felt like I was in a trance because i lost concentration..

Immediately, i woke up from being shocked , Sir sir, please I'm sorry, we need help!! , i live at 3rd Randolph, Magnolia ADD... "I answered with a shaking voice ".

Ok, please remain where you are, we would be there with backups. He said, i was so excited until i heard a scream over the phone, then silence...

Sir, sir, sir!! Are you okay, are you there, what if something strange took him just like mom and dad, i wondered.. I became scared, dropped the cellphone and ran back to check on Sophie in her room, was she okay.. I thought..

I went into her room and i couldn't find her, where'd she go, i sobbed...Sophie,Sophie tell me you're joking, where are you hiding please come out, Sophie, where are you.... I said repeatedly....

What if something took her just like my parents, i can't let that happen , sobbing loudly i kept screaming....

Who or whatever you're please give me back my family. Please!! Take me instead, i said!!

Bam!! Bam!! I heard a door shut, who is there? I said while shivering.....

Please, let's move on to part two
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