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"That's the last one in this area."

The soggy ground sunken his geta sandals as he finished decapitating the last demon.

The rain drops are not subsiding since it starts to fall, making his clothes became soaked. It is quite a luck that there is no thunderstorm tonight or he might have to actually go undercover.

A sane demon hunter won't go in patrol with this weather since it is also harder to track demons when the trail is erased by the rain and the crows can't fly with their feathers totally damped.

But he had kept his eyes on this demon from the start when the rain haven't fall yet so it will be his lost if he were to give up because of water drops falling from the sky. It's not like the rain is uncommon so he doesn't think it is something to avoid of.

'Though, Hina will be mad if she knew.'

Having a job involving other people's live is causing your priorities change frequently. A lot of time, he is forced to be selfless in order to decrease the risk of any human death caused by demons, including now.

He may be one of the strongest demon hunter, but that doesn't mean he is immune to any disease such as fever.

Exposed to the open forest with tall trees that aren't thick of leaves, he decided to search for a shelter to the near village. No one in their right mind will be walking in this terrible weather, not even a demon. Only him. He is that idiot right now.

Splash splash

'Or maybe I'm not the only one,' he thought.

You can hardly hear anything under this heavy rain other than the rain itself or maybe thunder, but he is experienced. His senses are not that common people have, hearing included. 

It is faint but he is sure, there is someone else besides him in this forest. It could be another person, trying to find shelter just like him, but it's already this late. 

'Better be sure than sorry,' he shrugged, taking a step forward in attempt to find the sources of the steps.


"If you stop fighting it, it would hurt less you know?" Kenji shouted so his voice can be heard among the heavy rain.

There's no response from the blue eyed demon behind him. There maybe some responses, but under this rain, he can't catch it so he just keep going on.

'What a bother, why won't my plan went smoothly? Now there's one human to take care of, this is getting ridiculous,' Kenji sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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