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"Hinagiku-san's husband? Then..." She paused for awhile, recalling what her mother mentioned about her best friend's husband occupation. "You are a demon hunter?"

"That's right! I and this guy right here are demon hunters!" He exclaimed with a smile while having his arm around his friend's neck.


The demon hunters will come, don't worry. They will kill the demon and we will be safe.


She stare at the demon hunter with disbelief. She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. She glare at the demon hunter who has a wide smile accross his cheek.

"How can you said that so proudly?" She said in a harsh tone, catching off their guard.


"How can you pridefully said that in front of these corpses that you failed to protect!? You even failed to killed the demon!! A-and now, you identify yourself as a demon hunter with a big prideful smile on your face!?? Shame on you!!" She yelled to the man in front of her. Anger burning inside of her until it makes her voice shaking.

Her fist is shaking and she is gritting her teeth. The back of her head feels so hot and it transfer to the top of her head. She is mad.

"Hiroaka-chan..." The old lady muttered. The atmosphere is getting tense.

The previous smile that is plastered on Haruki's face is gone. Guilt rushed over his heart and somehow, he felt a pang of shame from his inside. He nervously scratching the back of his head and hung his head low in shame.

"I-I am sorry... I didn't mean it like that. I was just excited and relieved to found you alive because my wife was crying all day all night when we arrived at this village that night and found out that you and your mother was gone. I didn't realize the place I am currently in and didn't think about your feeling's, I apologize for my recklessness and disrespectful act," he said.

Nagi look up in surprise and immediately look down again, realizing what she did and getting embarrassed.

"I-I am sorry too... I snapped at you and blame you just because I was so frustrated. It wasn't your fault that the demon suddenly appeared here and you were far away from here at the time," she apologized.

Haruki is surprised by her reply and smiled. "No, no, it's my fault that I did something in a wrong place and offended you. I also take a blame on the situation that happened that night. If I were fast enough to get here, half of the people that died here woulf still be alive. I am sorry that your family died because my incompetence," he bowed to her in apologize manner.

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