'New Suits and All!'

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Ya'll already know what is going on with the cardinal and Milady so I'm gonna make something up for them getting their new suits!

Y/N'S P.O.V.

We walk out of the castle and are given our horses back. We were just outside the castle walls when Porthos speaks up.

"You're a woman?!?"

"Yes I'm surprised you couldn't tell before." I say looking at him from the side.

"Is that why Athos was staring at you?" Aramis chimes in,

"Well he may have known I was a woman, but seeing me in the Queen's company must have been a shock." I turn toward Athos to see him keeping a bit of a distance away from me. I couldn't blame him, I hadn't explained that yesterday, and I know he has trust issues.

"While we are on the subject, 'the Queens tutor?' When did this happen?" Athos questions.

"Oh when she was quite young I taught several different subjects. She was one fine student."

"So, to sum things up," D'artangan starts "You are a female swordsman, the Queen's former tutor, AND you have a pet hawk."

"I'm not sure how Aimee is that much of a surprise but yes, adding on the fact I dress like a man." I finish off.

"Well that is quite the list of accomplishments you have under your belt" Aramis says.

I smile as we arrive at the tailors.

Getting off our horses, D'artangan continues our prior conversation.

"I didn't even see you use your sword the day we fought. How good is the Queen at her fencing then?"

I look over at the boy, "I taught Anne with both a rapier and daggers, given it was years ago, I would say she could still survive an ambush if the need arose."

With that we walked in to a very happy tailor.

"Welcome, welcome! I have heard of the King's request and will personally assist in finding attire for the five of you- oh um... where is the fifth swordsman?"

I smile "Well it's swordswoman but I am standing right here."

The man looks over to me in shock. "Er- well we dont have much in the way of dresses but..."

I smile "It is quite alright. I would like to propose a special design if I may, I will pay whatever extra will be required."

The man smiles "I would like that very much indeed!"

"Well while you suit these fine men up, may I pay a small visit to your charming daughter?" The men look at me confused, until the tailor realized who I was.

"Ah that was you who accompanied my daughter home yesterday! Yes, yes she would be delighted to see you again!"

I make my way to the stairs as the upper level that doubles as their home before turning around, "D'artangan why don't you join me after your fitting." Smiling, he pieces together what was going on

"Yes, I suppose I do owe her a proper apology."

I walk up the stairs and knock on the door to be greeted by a charming Marie.

"Can I help you Madame?" She says having no clue who I am.

"Ah well, I am looking for my dear friend Marie, who is quite the young lady, have you perhaps seen her?"

Her eyes widen as she hears my voice "You're a girl!"

How many times have people said that to me in the last two days?

"Yes mon ami I am female, and while my companions are getting fitted by your father, I was wondering if I could have your company?" I say taking a small bow to which Marie giggles.


We talk for the next few minutes and soon we hear a knock on the door.

*knock knock*

"Ah, must be my young friend D'artangan." I say opening the door.

Sure enough, I was greeted by the young lad. Who promptly apologised to Marie, and joined our conversation on the event of yesterdays fight, as the others finish they come up and join the conversation as well. I glance at Athos sometimes, he hadn't spoken to me to much after we left the palace.

After a while, I go and start talking to Marie's father about the outfit. It would need small adjustments, but it could be finished in time for the parade.

"Yes! This will be one of the finest things I've made!" He shouts in enthusiasm. I chuckle and look back to find the others walking towards us.

"Well if any help is needed, I can hold a needle and thread well enough to assist."

With a quick goodbye to my young friend and her mother, we ride back to the old house the three musketeers own.

Athos goes off to his room and the other three talk at the table while the servant, who's name I learned is Planchet starts cooking something. Meanwhile, I follow Athos upstairs.

Athos' P.O.V.

I know there's no reason for me to be upset that she withheld information, but still...

*knock knock*

"Not right now Planchet!" I yell at the unopened door.


"Good guess, but not quite right still a servant though."

I look up to see Y/N standing at the door.

"What is it?" I say a little surprised at how harsh my tone came out as. I honestly didn't mean to be that rude, it came out on its own.

"Well I came to see if you were okay, after you asked when I taught Anne, you didn't talk to me at all."

"That's not true I talked to you at the tailors." I point out causing her to roll her eyes.

"You talked to Marie, not me. You kept avoiding my eyes as well."

Was I? I hadn't even notice.

"Well whether you noticed or not you did."

I look over slightly confused at how she knew what I had thought,

"You said that out loud." She said a small smile finding it's way to her lips.

Curse those lips, creating such an enchanting smile. What did I just think??? I hope to God that was in my head.

"You're staring into space Athos." She says pulling me out of...whatever that was.

"Well, I'm sorry for being so rude earlier." She shakes her head.

"I would have done the same in your place. Granted I might have spoken more, but I still would have doubts of my own."

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while before I speak up.
"So any other surprises we should be wary about?" I say not really expecting an answer.

"Well a few, but I would need permission to tell you about most of those." I raise a brow at her answer.

She puts her hand out, "It is nothing that I think would injure our friendship." I relax a little before asking,

"So you are going to stay at the palace?"

"Well that is the plan at least until tomorrow's parade, have any idea what else is happening there?" I shake my head and she sighs.

"Well I should be off then before they close the gates. Oh, by the way since I am a soldier, and in a way the Queen's musketeer, I will standing next to you four at the parade."

"Alright." I say.

"Goodbye Athos."

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