IV.51 Advanced Physics

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"Come in," Ms Jefferson called.

With a bit of trepidation, the two of us entered her office. I shut the door behind us.

"Hart and Fogg." Our class teacher sighed. "What is it this time?"

Ms Jefferson was sitting at her desk, a student's exercise book opened in front of her. Grading our latest tests, most likely. It was typical of her, that she could be found in her office on a late Sunday afternoon.

"It's nothing bad, Miss," Natty told her. "It's just that ..." She broke off and looked at me.

I cleared my throat. "It is just that a person has been discovered on school premises, Miss."

Our teacher considered this. "I take it that the person in question is not one of our students."

"No, Miss," I confirmed.

Ms Jefferson frowned. "And that person was discovered by whom?"

"By Catherine and myself, Miss," Natty offered.

"I see." Our teacher's frown deepened. "So, has the police been called already?"

Natty and I exchanged a look.

"There is reason to believe that this may not necessarily be a matter for the police," I ventured.

Ms Jefferson raised a questioning eyebrow at that.

"It is ... kind of hard to explain," I told her. "Do you believe in miracles, Miss?"

The look Ms Jefferson gave me suggested that she was wondering if I might have lost my mind.

"I teach Advanced Physics, Hart. Does that answer your question?"

"You may want to think of this as advanced physics in action, then," Natty came to my help. She frowned. "I mean like, extremely advanced physics," she added.

Ms Jefferson was rapidly losing her patience. "Why don't the two of you just let me have a look at the person you discovered on school premises?"

Natty and I exchanged another cautious look.

"She is waiting in the hall, outside," I said.

"Well, let her in, then," Ms Jefferson ordered.

I went to the door and opened it. To my relief I found that the girl was still waiting there. I ushered her in and closed the door behind her.

Ms Jefferson took one look at the girl and froze. We watched the color drain from her face.

The girl was looking at her own feet. Judging from the resigned expression on her face, she was thinking, 'Yet another adult about to determine my fate'.

Eventually, she looked up. For a second or two, she just stared at Ms Jefferson, looking stunned.

Then, all of a sudden, her face softened. She touched the simple necklet she was wearing.

"Moni?" she whispered. There was wonder in her voice, and hope against hope. "Moni, is that you?"

Ms Jefferson straightened and spread her arms wide. "Martha?"

The girl rushed into her arms. The woman and the girl hugged, clinging to each other as if their lives depended on it.


A / N :  One more short chapter to go :-)

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