Chapter 10: The Black Rose

Start from the beginning

Y/n: *yawning and adorably tone* "Hello.."

Three dots appear above  the group. She turns around and holds her face and suddenly shaking around squealing like a little girl.


Y/n: "Miss.....are you okay?"


Y/n: *blink twice and realizes* "Oh yeah....I forgot!"


Y/n: *innocent tone* "Oh.....I'm sorry it's just I got sleepy from the smell of smelled really nice..that I dozed off to sleep.."

Jack closes his eyes with irritated look 

Jack: "CAN YOU  BE SERIOUS F-" *opens his eyes notice you gone from bind.* "W-what the h-hell..where did he?"

Suddenly Gigaplant's head falls off, and the body falls over dead, Freeing Jack and Hogan.  They look to see Y/n holstering Destiny's Ward.

Hogan: 'How the-'

Black rose: "HOLD IT!!!" Suddenly more thorned vines charge at you. Hogan and Jack jumped in the way and begin to slash at the vines to bits an high speed. "GRRRRR" Suddenly her aura begin to intensifies greatly. You three look over to the Black rose who is surrounded by a swirling vortex of Rose petals.

Jack: "Oh shit don't tell me...she's a Nature dragon."

Soon the black rose change in a powerful Dragon, her tails made entirely of thorns and Her wing and body covered in Red rose petals.

Soon the black rose change in a powerful Dragon, her tails made entirely of thorns and Her wing and body covered in Red rose petals

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Jack: "Damn it she is!"

Now most people would call her the most grotesque monster ever seen. 

Y/n: "Wow.....she is so..."

Black rose: *thinking*"Go ahead say it boy...SAY I'M AN ABOMINATION!" She was so ready for you to say how ugly she looked.

Y/n: *starry eyed and honestly*"She is so Beautiful!" She looks at you surprised from your comment. 

Jack: "Don't compliment the enemy!!"

Y/n: "O-oh sorry! But she is though!"

The Black Rose roars loudly causing a huge Storm of Rose Petals around the area. 

Hogan: 'Oh shit!'

Y/n: "W-what's happening!!!"

Jack: "Nature Dragon's are known for being a Dragons of obliteration! So I have to guess she going to  destroy everything in the area!"

Your eyes widen in horror of what you just heard. The storm of Petals begin to glow and the three of you suddenly feel your aura drop.

Jack: "We can't won't be escape fro this The blast radius will hit the school as well." 

Your eyes look terrified, but concerned as the vortex area begins to light up."


Hogan wraps his arm and wing around you. Jack begins to ignites in a huge ball of crimson flame. But as he does you started to panic, you might lose everyone all over again. As you panicked Hogan looked at you and instantly noticed your aura begins to light up. Suddenly a huge cloud Stardust come out of your body. It begins to surround the Black rose and its storm.

Jack and Hogan's eyes widen in shock as the black rose begins to glow. Hogan braces for impact.

But nothing happens. Hogan looks out of the cover to see the Black Rose on the ground in human form exhausted but still standing covered in bits of stardust.

Jack: "What just happened...did this kid just?"

He looks over to you with amazement. You looked at him panting but you smiled at him. 

Jack: *smiles and whispers to yourself* "This kid..."

Suddenly you hold your head out of pain as something goes thru your mind. You see a man and a lady smiling at you. Both's faces were hard to see. But you could see green shirt and grey and a white dress. But you never met them, but they're voice seemed familiar.

Man: "Hello Y/n, my friend how are you?"

Lady: "Hi Y/n how are you?"

The image fades and you go back to reality as you see you are on the cliff on the ground. You see Your older sisters, your guardians, Weiss, Ozpin, and Glynda looking at you with concern. You sit up, shaking your head.

Ruby/ Blake/ Yang/Weiss: "Y/N!/LITTLE/BABY BROTHER!"

They pull you into a group hug.

Y/n: *face is turning blue* "C-can't breathe!!!"

They pull away from the hug letting you breathe. 

Ozpin: *concerned* "Are you alright Mr. Rose?"

Y/n: "I'm alright, I wish I knew...what happen?"

Jack: "You suddenly fell unconscious after you saved us all from Black Rose. Hogan carried you back to Beacon."

You looked at Hogan and smiled

Y/n: "Thank you Hogan are you and Jack okay?"

Hogan dusted himself off 

Jack: "We are alright barely a scratch."

Y/n: "That's good.."

Ozpin: *smiles* "Well since you made it without a scratch, and you saved everyone from cataclysm. Which to me is a quality true huntsman. Congrats young man." *reaches out and offers his hand.* "Welcome to Beacon Academy Y/n Rose."

You take his hand and he helps you up and you happily shakes it.

Y/n: "Thank you Professor!!"

You are once again hugged by Ruby and Yang. You hug them back


Yang: "Congrats little bro!"

Blake: *walks up to as Ruby and Yang let you go from embrace, she gently hugs your proudly* "Congrat little brother."

You smile happily and hug her back happily. You two soon release from embrace.  Blake walk up to your guardians.

Blake: "Thank you for protecting him."

Hogan nods

Jack: "We should be thanking him as he saved all of ours life."

You lot soon get back up and walk back to your dorms. Leaving Ozpin an Glynda by themselves.

Glynda: "Are you sure it is wise for Mr. Rose join?" *She notices tears running down Ozpin's face.*

Ozpin: "I'm quite sure.."

Glynda: "Professor are you alright?"

Ozpin: "I'm sure I just need a moment for myself.."

Glynda: "Um alright sir.."

Glynda walks back inside. Ozpin looks out at the cliff.

Ozpin: "I promise I will protect your best brother.. you have my word..Y/n.."

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