25 -Noble Elijah.

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[Lightning and thunder rumble overhead while Rebekah and Davina, who have set up an altar outside the lycée, prepare to unlink Eva's body from Davina and the other New Orleans witch children. As the two girls sit across from each other around the altar while Rebekah finishes lighting their candles, Vincent stands nearby for moral support]

REBEKAH: [nervously] All right, then. Just a little bit of witchy business. How difficult can it be?
[Davina smiles at her encouragingly, and Vincent walks toward them]

VINCENT: Now, remember the hard part was Eva-- [He crosses his index and middle fingers]-- linking herself to the kids. And now, it's your body, so you just gotta-- [He flicks his wrist for emphasis]-- do the unlinking yourself.
[He gestures to his spell, which is written on a piece of paper on the altar]

VINCENT: Read what I wrote, "Abracadabra," link severed.
REBEKAH: [nods] Lovely. I guess I'm hoping I don't turn us all into a horde of bull frogs.
[Davina reaches out and takes Rebekah's hands in her own so she can channel her]

[Meanwhile, on Bourbon Street, some sort of festivities are going on, because the streets are filled with people holding Hurricane cups and yelling drunkenly while jazz bands march and play their tunes. Overhead, thunder and lightning continue to rumble as a man and a woman happily walk arm in arm. The couple eventually makes their down the street, passing Dahlia, who is standing on a corner with a black umbrella and who watches them as they turn down an alley. The man sings along with the music as they walk]

MAN: Dah, dah, dah. Dah, dah, dah. [He laughs heartily] Dah, dah.
[Suddenly, they come upon Klaus, who looks pale and weakened]

MAN: Whoa!
Klaus: [weakly] Good evening. I wonder if you could help me? I'm feeling a bit famished.
MAN: [apologetically] I'm sorry, I don't have any change.
Klaus: [kindly] Well, that's no problem, mate! I'll just help myself.
[He lunges for the couple and starts violently feeding on them]

[At the cemetery, Rebekah and Davina are still linking hands while they chant the unlinking spell]

REBEKAH & DAVINA: Sai por ce kai sai ma nous couve gran. Sai por ce kai sai ma nous couve gran.
VINCENT: Okay, almost there. Keep going.
[Rebekah continues on by herself while Davina watches her work]

REBEKAH: Sai por ce kai sai ma nous couve gran. Sai por ce kai sai ma nous couve gran.
[Suddenly, Davina and Rebekah's hands are magically thrown apart, and the girls look at each other in confusion before looking over at Vincent]

REBEKAH: [worried] Is it finished?
[Vincents pulls out a switchblade and flicks it open before he hands it to her]

VINCENT: Only one way to find out!
[Rebekah reluctantly takes the blade and slices her fingertip open with it. Afterward, she looks up at Davina, who smirks and holds up her wound-free finger, clearly proud of Rebekah for successfully casting the spell. Both Rebekah and Vincent seem relieved by this outcome]

[On Bourbon Street, Klaus has just finished feeding on the couple in the alley when Dahlia joins him]

DAHLIA: You must be hungry, considering what you've endured.
Klaus: I've never been daggered. Never knew it was such an agonizing experience. It does help explain why my siblings loathe me.
DAHLIA: You'll need your strength for what's to come. I suggest you replenish yourself before the storm.
[She smirks before gesturing to the space next to her. When the camera pans over, it is revealed that she has used Kenning to lure another dozen humans to allow him to feed on them. Klaus, with blood smeared around his mouth, grins in satisfaction].


[Freya is in the sitting room off of the compound, where she is waving a sage smudge stick in the air as she continues casting her spell. Meanwhile, Elijah is leaning against the window, looking out at the now-raging storm]

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