19- "Lead Me Home Baby"

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[Rebekah, still in her witch vessel, is wandering around a street bazaar full of witches selling various wares as she talks to her brothers via a three-way phone call. Klaus is standing on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, watching as four werewolves spar with each other, while Elijah is looking through his closet for a suit to wear for the day]

REBEKAH: Enough already with the family squabbling! Come on, Nik! Even you can see that the situation has become awkward!
Klaus: There's nothing awkward about it! Hayley and Hope belong in the compound where they are safe. As much as I would like Elijah's help to kill Finn, if his delicate sensibilities are offended by the presence of Hayley's new husband, then he's welcome to continue sulking across the river.
Elijah: [annoyed] As I have explained to you repeatedly, brother, my presence here in Algiers is purely to assemble allies. And given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and ancient, maniacal aunt Dahlias, I would think that you would applaud my efforts.
Klaus: [mockingly] Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff!
[Elijah, frustrated, gestures angrily with his arms, though Klaus obviously cannot see him from the French Quarter. Rebekah sighs and tries to get them back on track]

REBEKAH: Alright, can you two at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope's safety?
Elijah: I would like nothing more!
Klaus: I am doing exactly that!
REBEKAH: [smiles patronizingly] See? You're on the same team.
[A couple feet away, there is a male witch with a scruffy beard who frowns as he stares at her as she talks on the phone]

REBEKAH: Conflict resolved, crisis averted.
[Rebekah hangs up the phone and returns to looking at items at the booth in front of her. After a moment, she notices the man continue to scowl and stare at her, and, realizing someone might have recognized her host body, starts to walk in the opposite direction. She turns around a corner and bumps into another man]

REBEKAH: [annoyed] Excuse you, too!
[The man turns to face her and glares at her angrily, worrying Rebekah so much that she runs away, only to run into yet another male witch who seems to recognize her. Suddenly, everyone around her seems to know who she is, and though she tries to get away from them, she ultimately runs into a dead-end alley, where the first two witches easily catch up with her. She glares at them in fear and anger]

REBEKAH: Are you two looking for something? Besides a smack in the jaw?
WITCH #1: You will die for what you've done.
[Rebekah throws her hand out in front of her, trying to cast a pain infliction spell on the witches, but nothing happens. She desperately tries again, but it still doesn't work]

REBEKAH: [frustrated] Ugh, stupid bloody magic!
[Witch #1 shakes a rattle, which makes Rebekah double over and clutch her head as she screams in agony]

[The witch continues to shake his rattle, and Rebekah falls to her knees in pain. Out of nowhere, Marcel vamp-speeds into the alley and shoves each of the witches into opposite walls to disorient them. He then rushes over to Rebekah, whose nose is bleeding, and who is looking at him in shock. He holds his hand out to her to help her up]

MARCEL: There's more of them on the way, we should probably go.
[Rebekah just gapes at him in shock, and Marcel becomes more anxious]

MARCEL: Rebekah!
REBEKAH: [confused] How did you know?
[Marcel grabs Rebekah by the waist and holds her tightly]

MARCEL: Can we talk about that later? We don't have all day!
[Marcel vamp-speeds away with Rebekah in his arms before the witches can recover enough to retaliate]


[Finn and Freya are still hiding out in the bell tower of the cathedral from their siblings. Freya comes up behind Finn as he looks anxiously out the window at the city below]

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