6 - "Cradle Of The Grave".

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Kasia 😖😖.


[Davina enters the compound's courtyard and is horrified to see all the dead and dying vampires laying around. Cami and Marcel are tending to Diego and the other vampires who are still alive]

[She sees that Marcel is beaten and bloody and rushes over to him]

DAVINA: Oh god, what happened?
MARCEL: [weak and out of breath] Klaus...
CAMI: [interrupts] They fought, and he got bit.
[She puts a damp cloth on Diego's forehead and goes to tend to the others]

DAVINA: Marcel...
MARCEL: It's okay! I gave as good as I got. But, we need Klaus' blood to heal.
[Marcel grips Davina's shoulder before walking to where Cami is helping the others near the fountain. Davina thinks for a moment before speaking]

DAVINA: You fought Klaus-- did he bleed?
MARCEL: I got him pretty good, yeah.
DAVINA: [determined] Where?

[Davina walks down the street to where Klaus and Marcel fought. As she looks around, we get flashbacks to the fight. In flashback, Marcel punches Klaus in the face, causing him to spit his blood all over a car and the cement. Davina picks up an empty plastic up from the ground and sets it on the car. As she starts to chant a spell, Josh stumbles out of an alley and finds her lifting her arms into the air]

DAVINA: Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez–
JOSH: [freaked out] Uh... Davina? What the hell?
[Davina stops chanting and gapes when she realizes Josh has found her]

DAVINA: Josh, what are you doing here? I told you to rest!
JOSH: [weakly] I'm fine!
DAVINA: You're gonna start hallucinating soon!
JOSH: I mean, unless I'm hallucinating you standing in the middle of the street and chanting for no reason... [He laughs tiredly] Wait, am I?
DAVINA: [determinedly] I'm gonna save you. I'm gonna save all of you.
[Davina returns to her spell, holding her arms out into the air]

DAVINA: Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis, la force de la bête à moi.
[Josh watches in amazement as Davina's spell siphons all of Klaus' blood that splattered onto the ground and over the hood of the car into the air, where it falls into the cup]

JOSH: Okay... I am hallucinating...

[Kasia is still in labor, and the witches, led by Genevieve, assist Kas in her birth. Kas screams in agony]

KLAUS: [shouts] I will bring hell to your family!
GENEVIEVE: [to Kasia] One last push! Push! The baby's almost here!
KLAUS: [shouts] I will bathe in rivers of your blood!
Ka: No! No!
MONIQUE: I can see the baby!
GENEVIEVE: Push! Gently! Gently!
KLAUS: [shouts] You will die screaming!
[Kasia, exhausted, falls backward just as the baby is born]
One baby boy Genevieve smiles.
[Both Klaus and Kasia stop screaming once they see their baby. One of the witches helps cut the umbilical cord, and Genevieve wraps the baby in a blanket]

GENEVIEVE: You have a beautiful baby boy .
[Kasia and Klaus stare in shock]

GENEVIEVE: We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky--
Kasia: --Please. Please, can I hold him?
[Genevieve brings the baby over so Kasia  can hold her. Kasia is amazed by the sight of her son . She looks up at Klaus and manages a small smile before kissing her son on the forehead. What about my baby daughter? Kasia breathe out. He's not ready maybe 15 minutes.
You stay with her Genevieve says pointing at Kassidy. She nods. We will start the sacrifice.

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