16 - "Baby"

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[It's daytime now, and the witches of the asylum are all congregated downstairs; some are sewing, others are reading. Freya is sitting barefoot on the floor in front of the television, watching Tom and Jerry, but if any of the other witches recognize her, they don't mention it. Cassie is sitting at the piano, playing a simple, quiet tune when Rebekah sits next to her on the bench and sighs dramatically. Cassie looks up from the piano and side-eyes her exasperatedly]

CASSIE: You look terrible.
[Rebekah looks around the room anxiously for anyone who could be listening in]

REBEKAH: I didn't sleep very well.
CASSIE: I heard you got caught out past curfew... again.
REBEKAH: [smiles] A simple misunderstanding. Kindred witches like to be in charge. I don't much care for taking orders. [Cassie rolls her eyes at Rebekah] On that note...
[Rebekah pulls an apple out of her sweater pocket and surreptitiously hands it to Cassie. Cassie looks shocked and appalled]

CASSIE: [whispers] Where did you get that?
REBEKAH: I nicked it from the pantry!
CASSIE: [worried] But the Kindred--
REBEKAH: [interrupts her] --Did you miss the part where I said I don't care about rules? Take the apple.
CASSIE: You're out of your mind.
[Cassie gets up to leave, and Rebekah shoves the apple back into her sweater pocket before following after her. The two sit on a nearby loveseat to continue talking]

REBEKAH: I'm a free spirit. Which is why I don't intend to spend another bloody night trapped in this dungeon.
CASSIE: [whispers] What are you talking about?
REBEKAH: You know that any spell can be broken with enough power. All we need is to channel something strong.
[Cassie looks at her in confusion, and Rebekah becomes more excited]

REBEKAH: I went into the room with the locked door. There's something in there. Someone. I'm not sure who she is, or why she's here, and I don't care. The point is, she's strong. I mean, I didn't even know what witch power felt like, and still, I could sense it coming out of that room in waves. You and I can channel her and bust free of this loony bin.
[Rebekah smiles and holds out the apple out to Cassie, who hesitates for a moment before finally smiling back and taking it. They stand and walk into the other room, where Rebekah notices Freya watching television, though she doesn't recognize her for who she is]

REBEKAH: [whispers] Who's the new girl at the telly?
CASSIE: One more bonkers witch. Got dumped here in the middle of the night.
[Cassie walks away, so Rebekah walks over to Freya and smiles]

REBEKAH: Anything good on?
FREYA: [smiles in wonder] These paintings can move! They depict a rodent breaking the bones of a rather tenacious feline.
REBEKAH: [amused] Those are just cartoons.
[Freya says nothing, and laughs as something funny happens on the television. Rebekah, intrigued, kneels down next to her to look her in the face]

REBEKAH: ...Do I know you from somewhere?
[Freya remains quiet, and after a moment, Rebekah shrugs]

REBEKAH: I guess not.
[After a moment of looking at Freya, Rebekah pulls another apple out of her bag and hands it to her with a smile]

REBEKAH: Keep up your strength, love, and enjoy your cartoons.
[Rebekah stands up and walks away, leaving Freya to her television. Once she's gone, Freya snatches the apple and hides it under her skirt. She watches Rebekah leave and smiles happily]


[Davina wakes up on the couch in Kol's playhouse to the sound of old-fashioned jazz music coming out of a gramophone player. She looks around in confusion for a moment until she recognizes her surroundings. Kol is seated at a nearby table, fiddling with a Bunsen burner]

DAVINA: [groggily] Whoa. What--? How did you--? How long was I asleep?
KOL: All night. It was a rather fitful sleep, though. You were muttering about how you wanted to kill Klaus.
[Davina giggles, and Kol lights the Bunsen burner with a flint]

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