Oct 5th, 2014

728 13 0

pg 8

The four came back home, 'Wolf' is in my room sleeping. I would carry him to my other room at the connected apartment, but I think he already got comfortable on the red couch, it's small, but he seems to be sleeping well.

He told me what happened at the museum, they were stealing a diamond. It's like the cartoons, a robber trying to steal a diamond, has to go through puzzles or lasers and guards, get caught and goes to jail. Luckily they manage to get the diamond and pass the puzzle that the museum had. Why do museums always have puzzles? What would of happen if an employe or a guard messed up the puzzle and caused destruction?

'Wolf' told me that tear gas came out of the walls when 'Dallas' misstepped on the pressure plates walking back.

They had to escape via helicopter or Bile. Bile helps us by either being our escaped vehicle or dropping off equipment we need, using a helicopter. We also have Twitch, who drives the escape van, sometimes sees him talking to 'Houston' or fixing up the van with him.

Theirs a lot more people who either help or assist the gang.

'Wolf' told me they had to stop at a hotel to rest from the heist, reason why they weren't back yesterday. Now he's back in the basement sleeping on the red couch.

I've been told by Aldtone that the couch will be removed and replace. I'm guessing I'm gonna get one of the living room couches since we're going to get bigger ones that can fit 19 or fewer people. I don't mind, as long it's a comfy couch for me to sleep on or something.


Jacket looks back to see Wolf still sleeping and curled up, using his coat as a blanket and borrowing one of the other varsity jackets Jacket had in one of the boxes as a pillow.

The Wolf sleeps peacefully in another wolves den

Dennis wouldn't mind a guest in here, he needs sleep after what he and the others went through Richard.

Jacket turns back around and looking at his notebook, thinking what to write down next or just doodle. The phone in his pocket decided to vibrate.

New message, new level

That or a miss call or text possibly...

Jacket took out his phone and open it up, seeing a new message from a random number. Clicking it to see that he has babysitting duties from a random person.

Hi, this is 'Josh', been told to contact you to see if you can babysit my kids today

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Hi, this is 'Josh', been told to contact you to see if you can babysit my kids today.
I have a very important meeting coming up.
I left a list at the door and a spare key underneath the rug.
Please do teach them a lesson if they don't cooperate and be discrete when taking their toys away, they get very upset and do tantrums.
Here's the address:
'3165 Orville Canny street'

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