Oct 4th, 2014

659 8 9

pg 7

Yesterday was fine, a bit weird, but still fine.
Called into the meeting room, followed 'Houston' there, 'Dallas' had to go to a dentist appointment and we had to clean up the table and organize papers.

Theirs a lot of files about some of the banks, locations, prison transfer schedules, and list of prisoner names. There were possibly more other things written down, but I mostly looked at the important ones that have something to do with the big breakout plan.

I also learned how to know when 'Wolf' is lying and making things up.
I'm guessing 'Dallas' must've made a secret plan thing with Wolf or something. I don't know what it is, but I think it's just us doing chores for once.

Hopefully helping 'Houston' made him less angry or hate towards me. Even if he did question my name, it was still nice when he checked on me. I must've looked like I was dead or I fell asleep in a terrible position.

The four aren't here at the moment, 'Dallas', 'Chains', 'Wolf', & 'Houston' left to go to a museum. I don't know what the heist is, but it has something to do with a museum. Dallas looked like he was being forced when he came back, plus from the short chat we had about the bloody loot on his desk.

We could do a small heist here while the others are away, we just need to contact Bain about it so he can keep an eye on us.

I also remember seeing some papers about mental illness, well a list of mental illnesses. I didn't get to see any since 'Houston' took it and put it in a folder.

Maybe I should ask Aldstone if we can have pizza. I don't think we have any ingredients for anything. 'Clover' did ask me if I can write down some stuff we need in the kitchen.

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Jacket flips to the next page, placing the pencil inside the notebook so the next time he needs to write down anything new, he'll start on the blank page.
He wasn't expecting the blank 8th page to have a weird question on it, luckily the person left their name, the name Jacket wasn't hoping for him to find his notebook.

"What are you writing down? I do not understand, it is all chicken scratch. Why not talk like human with Sokol, да?" - Sokol

Jacket relaxes a little, but still tense. Now knowing that Sokol entered his room and went through his stuff without permission, even had the audacity to find his notebook and looked through it.

He knows his terrible his handwriting is, it's been a while for him, possibly too long. Jacket mostly watch TV or movies, play games, eat pizza, and finish levels given to him, their wasn't any reason for him to write anything, not even write any letters. Not even the ones he wants to so badly, but they'll never receive. He passed high school and halfway through college until he joined the army to be sent to a secret group called the Ghost Wolves, where he met him and the others he wished were still around. His varsity jacket shows he passed high school, joining the baseball team called Miami Beasts, now that he thought about it, it explains the swiftness from him swinging his favorite melee weapons, especially his baseball bat. Jacket remembers people with static faces and skin saying how he's ambidextrous, explaining to him that he can use both hands equally and none are primary to him. How easy it is to swing anything in his hands either a weapon or his own fists.

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