1:02 PM

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Meeting Room

"So you don't know where Jacket went last night or had any acknowledgment that he left?"

"No, our rooms aren't that close Dallas."

"Alright then, since your up here, you have babysitting duties."

"What! What about Bonnie? Or Dragan? Or basically anyone else other than me?"

"Bonnie is out on a heist with Sangres, Wick, and Bodhi. Dragan is out for some fresh air and possibly some runs and most of the gang are busy with personal stuff, which leaves you, Sokol, Houston, Jacket, Clover, Jiro, Jimmy, Chains, & Rust."

"Ah, Wait, what about you?"

"I have a dentist appointment soon."

"I thought you hate the dentist?"

"I do, but I just need a check-up, some teeth are being achy and stuff," Dallas said as he rubbed his jaw, feeling some of his teeth aching a bit just by talking or basically having his tongue touch them. Hoping that the appointment will just be quick and not have any drills go into his mouth, good thing wolf isn't into dental stuff.

"Who am I babysitting?" Wolf said, wondering which of the young heisters they have that needs to be watched. Joy is fine, she plays video games or hacks something in her van, Clover basically sits in front of million screens of CCTV footage from the safe house cameras, Sokol practice hockey or works out, and Sydney usually doodles and draws at her station. Maybe Houston? Possibly not, he'll just work on the van and maybe give the escape van a new color or something. Jacket? I doubt it, hell we don't even know how old he is and he always wears his chicken mask so it's hard to tell plus he'll stay in his room and work on some tapes. Staring at Dallas waiting for a response as he finally stopped rubbing his jaw.

"Just Houston and Jacket, just make sure they stay in one room. I need Houston to try and be comfortable around him or we're gonna have some issues on heist if I put them in a group together..."

"Wouldn't Hous be mad about this?"

"He would, but he needs to suck it up and play nice. Sure Jackets a mystery, but he hasn't done anything that causes us to be dead or captured."

"Yeah, also, did you go on like a quick small heist Dallas?" Wolf asked, seeing an opened duffle bag on Dallas desk, couple wads of money and gold bars showing inside, some on the desk. Noticing a bit of bloodstain on the bag. 'Maybe he had to use the bag to beat some swat.' Wolf thought.

"No. That bag was there this morning, Clover mentioned me about it before I saw it myself and since Jacket was the one that left with a duffle bags, we were hoping that you would know where he went to get all that loot or basically know what his heist was, bust since you don't know then we have no leads or anything to know where he went last night."

"Why not ask Jacket then? Or maybe, it was an angel that decided to join in and-"

"Wolf. Off-topic and no."

"Sorry, why not just ask Jacket then?"

"Sometimes asking the culprit won't go so smoothly as you think Wolf, speaking of which."

Once Dallas finished his sentence, Houston and Jacket entered the meeting room. Houston with his hands in his pockets looking a bit unhappy as he heads to the long oak wood table that still holds dozen of papers and files. Jacket followed suit, thinking it might be another heist just the four of them. There is a short dark oak table in the corner, but it's mostly used for blueprints of banks or to play some game of cards if you're bored. Jacket still wearing his usual chicken mask despite all the other heisters not wearing theirs in the safe house. Wolf watches them both, seeing Houston just eyeing some of the papers and moving some while Jacket simply stares straight ahead and sometimes looking at the papers, usually the ones Houston touches and moves around.

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