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To beo's bed, type and him were kissing widly. Type was trying to get into it but he couldn't.
The only thing that ran through he's head was tharn.
Beo was on top, hovering, hands to his neck kissing him.
Type had his to his chest, brows furrowed eyes closed.
Beo was nothing like tharn. No fore play, no trying to make him feel good, beo was the same, selfish and thought of himself, also rough.
When they went in, beo turned them around to throw type onto the bed too rip his shirt open, to then get on top.
Opening his eyes, type looked to the side sullen.
Tharn would not leave his mind.
Types brows furrowed in anger.
Let him go type! Probably with her now!
Taking control, type moved them about, to be on top, to lean down, opened shirt, to place his hands to either side of his neck to kiss.
Beo however, never liked type on top.
He tried to move him back but type was not having that.
Wrestling a bit, beo accidently had type fall to the floor.
He instantly got up, to bend to the side, to look down.
Type landed on his butt, he brought a hand behind to rub his lower.
Beo then sat to the edge eyeing type.
"Are you okay?"
Type looked angerly at beo.
"No.....why did you?"
"Type, you know i like to be the top....."
Type gritted his teeth to turn his head, rethinking this.
What the hell am i doing here?!
Beo then held out a hand, type turned his head to eye it.
"Let me help you back up, we can...."
Type shook his head to stand.
"Can't......that fall really hurt you have anything here that could help?"
"Mmm my hands?"
Beo slightly smirked.
Type signed to hang his head.
"Nothing else?"
Beo signed to get up.
"If your okay to walk.....there is a convience store around the corner."
Types brows furrowed to Keep rubbing his lower.
You are such an ass.....I'm hurt and you expect me to walk.
He took a deep inhale.
Beo, you are still all about you, I'm here hurt and you don't really give a damn.
Type raised his head.
" go with me?"
Beo nodded to stand to step to type wrapping an arm around.
"We can get something then try again. he smiled.
Type rolled his eyes.
Fuck we will.....i....think......I'm over you beo.....i feel nothing for a selfish prick like you.
Pulling type along they went outside to see tharn, breathing heavily, eyes darted between the two then looked to type who looked disheveled and was rubbing his lower.
His eyes widen.
I was away from him for 25 minutes, not enough time for type but beo.....
Tharn looked to beo pissed.
Pulling his arm back, tharn gave him a powerful punch.
Beo landed to the ground, types eyes Widen to try and go to him just to have tharn step over him to take his hands to types collar to push him against beo's house.
Type wrapped his hands around tharns wrists.
"What the hell tharn!"
"Exactly what the hell type! Did you and him!"
Type flexed his jaw.
"That is none of your business! Get off! Go back to...."
Types face went sideways, they both breathed heavily.
Beo looked up, rubbing his jaw, to then get up to push tharn away.
Type kept his head hung, looking down, behind beo.
"What the hell is the matter with you tharn! Just because you are in a contract with type does not mean you can hit him whenever you feel like! What the fuck!"
Tharns eyes Widen to look to type, fuming.
"You.....told him!"
Type jumped to turn his head.
"You.....told runta!"
Tharn started to breathe heavily.
"Listen to me tharn! You do not own type! He can be with me til your idiotic contact is up!"
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"So is that it type! You sleep with me then go to beo! Mmm! You like being passed around! You are nothing but a fucking whore!"
Type gritted his teeth, beo turned to eye type.
"'ve slept with?"
Type signed to nod.
Beo then stepped too type to place his hand to his collar.
"You have some fucking nerve type! You sleep with him then come over to my place and...."
Then all there heads turned when beo's door opened.
Sara came out, in beo's shirt, eyeing them apologetically.
"Beo....I'm So sorry but i can't stay in the bathroom any longer....i need to go to work. I'm sorry...."
She then went back in to get dressed.
Types eyes widen to look back at beo.
Bringing his arm back, type punch and hard making him land to the ground.
Tharn looked down,with a smile, arms wrapped around his chest.
"Serves him...."
Type looked angerly to tharn making him stop speaking.
He looked between the two.
"You two......are one of the same! Both use me for my body! I am over it and over you both! You both use my love for you against me to get what you want! I'm sick of it! You beo are a selfish soulless bastard who only thinks of him self! You tharn are a giantic prick who may have a heart but is just a user like him! You two do not deserve me! Both of you need to fuck each other since you Two are so alike! I am so done! With the both of you! Beo you suck at fucking and tharn you are just a confused son of a bitch who has no idea what the fuck you are doing! Go to hell the both of you and leave me alone!"
Turning type left to get a taxi. He was going to a hotel, nether should know about.
Beo stood, to look at tharn to then go inside.
Tharn kept his eyes down, type shook his core. Everything he said was true.
I' sorry type......i am a gigantic prick.
After that a month passed in depression.
Type changed his schedule, so he wouldn't have to bump into tharn at work. He also changed his phone number and stayed at a hotel. Beo left him alone after that. Tharn was able to get a small place for runta and he slept by himself every night on the pull out bed not being able to sleep on the bed.
Tharn was missing type like crazy but he had no right. Being in a contract or not, tharn stayed away from type. He felt like a piece of human garbage for what he had caused. He made type fall in love with him and then made him run into his ex's arms where they made love.
Everyday for tharn was a living hell and he knew he deserved it.
By the end of the month, he barely saw runta, she texted him everyday not knowing he had been with type. Tharn tried and failed to see type but he's schedule was to chaotic. By the end, tharn was to his parents, not speaking.
His mother and father looked to him, with worry. This is the first time in a month and. Half he went over there, they also didn't know we're type was.
"Tharn? Where's type? Did you two have a fight?"
She smiled sounding hopful.
Tharn gulped.
"Runta.....came mad about it...."
There eyes widen.
"Oh......why would he be mad? Are you not staying away from her?"
Tharn raised his head up to look to them.
"Why would i stay away from her?"
His mother raised an eye brow.
Tharns eyes darted to sign.
"I....know she came for you for money.....because she had had no right to make her leave!"
His mother and father looked to each other then to him.
"Tharn....what has she told you?"
"Runta, didn't want to ask me for money so she swallowed her pride and came to you. Didn't she tell you she had cancer.....that is why she needed the money...."
His mother shook her head.
" son.....that is not the truth....."
Tharns eyes widen.
His mother looked to his father.
"Did you not tell him!"
"I....didn't want to hurt him..."
Tharn stood up to look between the two.
"Tell me what!"
His mother signed sullenly to get up to walk to tharn placing her hand to his shoulder.
There eyes darted.
"Tharn....let me tell you why we had her leave.....she did not have cancer.....but...."
Tharns lips parted, his whole body shook, looking down he let a tear fall.
I.....choose her! over type......i am a fucking prick! Jackass! Bastard! I gave up my heart for that bitch!
Falling to the floor to his knees, his mother wrapped her arms about to consul him has he wept.

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