acting like a real couple

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Nnnn tharn! Mmm little...mmm....little to the left....aaaah!"
Tharn was thrusting into type from behind, type was flat to his stomach, head up, moaning, gripping the bed sheets.
Tharn had his head turned,watching types face. It turned him on to no end.
"Mmm you are really enjoying yourself....aren't you this cock in you.....mmmm?"
Type nodded, to turn his head a bit, peering his eyes to tharn, locking.
"Aaaaah deep.....I'm gonna cum!"
Tharn smiled to thrust harder.
He brought types leg up to the side, then he placed his hand to his then gripped his hair gently to pull back a bit to really thurst himself in.
Type squeezed his eyes shut. This was something else.
"Aaaaah tharn! Mmmm I'm cumming!"
With his hand on the back of types head, he placed it Then under his neck to turn him.
"Mmm cum for me type! Cum hard! I'm gonna fill you up with my cum!"
Type bit his lip and tharn lost it.
He looked to adorable.
Leaning his chin up, he forced his way into types willing mouth with his tongue.
They moaned heavily.
They then came in unison.
After, tharn hung his head to kiss types back.
"Mmm type......need water. Do you?"
He lifted up his head to look to type.
Type turned his head too look down to nod.
Tharn leaned up to give him a kiss then pulled himself out.
Type watched him go.
He turned his head to look forward.
Another week,had passed them, they were in there 5th month of this fake dating, and they had spent the night at each other's places every day. Now at tharns, type was reflecting a bit on this.
They were starting to act like a real couple, tharn insisted on them sleeping over at there places everyday, have sex everyday, eat meals everyday, do grocery shopping together, they also spent a lot more time together.
This was starting to confuse type to no end. It Also lead him not to respond back to beo's texts.
Type didnt know how to feel about this. He was trying and hard not to feel anything for tharn, but sometimes he couldn't help it he also was thinking of them has a couple.
Tharn coming back, he sat to the edge to give type his, turning he got up sit to the edge to consume.
Tharn kept his eyes to type, still conflicted but couldn't stop himself.
Placing the water to the side table, he grabbed types, his eyes darted.
"Hey....i wasent..."
Tharn had brought up his hands to place them on either side of his face to pull him for a kiss.
They weaved and woved there heads back and forth, swirling there tongues about.
Type brought up his hands to tharns chest to squeeze at his pectorals.
Slowly they went back down.
After another round, type laid to his back, looking to the ceiling, one arm behind his head the other was wrapped around tharn.
He laid on top of type, with an arm wrapped around, asleep.
Also when they were embraced in this way it made type think they were real.
Tharn had been changing a lot lately, even if there weren't anyone around,he would hold types hand, when they had sex,he didn't say it was because he was frustrated or stressed. Type also didn't know what happened to runta. He looked to tharns cell a bit and she hadent called or texted in a week.
Is she gone now?
What should i do with beo? With this situation?
Type looked to tharn, he's eye darted up and down, he smiled.
What are we really tharn?'ve grown feelings for me? Or am i just a really good lay?
Types smile disappated.
Or do i remind you of runta with this woman body shape that i have?
Type grumbled to look back to the ceiling.
If that was true......he wouldn't want to see your face or your....
Type took in a deep breathe.
What is it i feel for tharn? Do i like him? Am i growing feelings for him? Deep feelings? What about beo? Do i still love him? Want something to happen with him? Be his boyfriend?
Types eyes darted.
Why am i inbetween two guys who are straight?
Type gulped getting a bit mad at himself.
What.......should i do....... what should i be feeling? I feel so selfish, i really don't want to stop this....other then it feeling incredible,type also knew he loved to be embrace by tharn....his warmth made his heart flutter.
Type took his hand from the back of his head to rub his forehead.
Damn it type, this isn't real! Tharn is straight! He might want to be friends after but that is it. Your just going to get hurt.....dont feel anything for him. You two will not end up going need to start talking to beo...
Feeling type shake, tharn peered his eyes up.
Tharn went to his side.
"Mmm type? Are you okay?"
"Bit....of a headache."
He nodded to then grab type too turn him placing type on his chest has he laid on his back. Moving types hand away tharn started to rub his forehead.
"Do you need me to get you some aspirin? We need to sleep. Work tomorrow."
Type shook his head to wrap his arm around, settling on tharns body.
" don't mind could you....keep...."
Type closed his eyes.
Tharn held type closer.
"No problem. Try to get some sleep."
He settled down, closing his eyes still rubbing types forehead.
Type signed a bit.
Why are you being so nice to me tharn! Is it because i let you inside of me? Do you see us has friends? What is going on between the two of us? Why won't my heart settle down?
Damn it type! You can't grow feelings for him, remember the contract.
Type gritted his teeth to hold onto tharn tighter.
"Mmm.....headache getting worse? I can get you an aspirin."
Type took a deep breathe in.
"No.....I'm fine. Thinking of that new client. We....have to land them'll be a busy day."
Tharn nodded.
He brought up his other hand to grab a hold of his body to squeeze a bit.
"We can do this together type.....dont worry. Won't help your headache. Try to sleep."
Types lips parted, he relaxed a bit.
Damn it.......why are you being so nice to me.
Taking deep breathes type fell into unconsciousness, with a bit of an angery scowl. He still didn't know what to do or feel about this, however he couldn't help but hold onto tharn tighter, letting his warmth surround him. Wishing they could maybe one day be in a real relationship, but type wasent stupid, he knew it never would be, but was starting to wish for it.

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