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A King, A middle class man & a poor farmer..

Going on their own paths..

Suddenly saw a extraordinarily beautiful woman standing near them..

Everything of hers was beautiful like she was a fairy who came from heaven..

So beautiful that they just forgot everything else & only looking at her..

They were totally bewitched by the intensive beauty of her..

She also understood that they were extremely attracted to her..

She smiled which made her even more attractive..

She asked them together..
"Do you want to marry me?"
They answered at once..
got surprised..
& looked at each other having the same goal...

Each of them belong to three different classes of society...

So, it's natural to occur disagreement & fights between them...

But she stopped them & said..

"I'll start running now. I'll marry the person who will be able to catch me. It doesn't matter who it is and what class he belongs to"

Hearing this they all immediately agreed to do so without even thinking anything..

Then she started running..




They were also running continuously..

The more they run, the more further she goes..

Every time they got in the position that they almost caught her, the distance between them grows twice than before...

The poor farmer who was weak as well couldn't run anymore & he just died on the way...
He failed..

The other two men saw it..
Didn't care..
Just continued running after her anyway..

Still can't get near to her by any means..

Now, the middle class man..
he was weaker than the King..
he lost all of his energy & couldn't run anymore..
after a time, he died too..

The king who was only left alive..
saw him dying..
stopped for a while..
but again started running as soon as his eyes caught the beauty again..

After a while, The king understood that he was loosing all of his life energy as well..

And when he understood it's his turn too, he still tried to give his best shot..

But when he really couldn't run anymore..

She saw the king dying..
Still smiling beautifully like before..
"Are you giving up now?"
"yes, yes.. I give up now."
the king answered in exhausted as his time of passing away come too..

"But tell me. What are you actually? why any of us couldn't able to catch you. At least, let me know before I die. "

The girl smiled even more beautifully..

"How fool!
You still haven't understood who I am?"

"No. Tell me."

"I am the WORLD where you people come for a certain time & go away."

"I'm that WORLD, being bewitched by my beauty.."

"You forget why the CREATOR has sent you here here.."

"You forget your responsibility in this world.."

"You forget the real PURPOSE of your life.."

"I am that WORLD of which you can't get enough of it no matter how much you get..
makes you more & more greedy.."

"Even though you saw a lot of people around you running after worldly life..
how they lost their peace of mind..
fall into depression..
which leads them to do even something worse..
which leads to continuous social problems.."

"You still don't learn any lesson from them..
but continue to run after me.."

"You see, I am that WORLD 😊"


Oneday, I read a little story on Facebook. I liked it a lot. It was very little but noticeable story. 📱
But I can't find it anymore. And can't remember it fully either.😅
So, I've rewritten it broadly in my own way keeping the main message the same.
I purposefully didn't give any name to this chapter.

Now, I want to know
what name you'll give to this story or chapter whatever you take??🤔
And what this story makes you realise??🤔

English isn't my First Language. So, please consider all the mistakes. 🖐

That's all for this chapter.
Take care....😁😁

°•○Don't let this worldly life deceive you•○°

My unpopular opinionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora