H A R R Y • P O T T E R

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T h e   P a r k e r   G i r l

Harry Potter back to Pivet Drive.

From the house next door, a little girl watched through her upstairs bedroom window as the Dursley's arrived back home.

She had spied their silver family car going off to some unknown place earlier that morning.

She wanted nothing more than to go outside and play with the two children she had spied in the back seats.

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. And it simply wouldn't do to waste one minute of it.

The almost twelve year old girl had a huge imagination and a thirst for adventure seldom seen in children anymore. It's what drove her to play outside when others her age simply wanted to stay inside and play their videogames.

She watched as a black haired boy with round glasses finally clambered out of the car after everyone else. He didn't look very much grown up, she decided. And that was perfect.

(Y/N) sighed. He was so very handsome. He didn't at all look like the other Dursleys.

"Planning your next grand adventure?"

(Y/N) received the fright of her life, yelping loudly as she clutched her heart.

"Mom!" She hissed.

"Are you fully awake now? I've been trying to get your attention for ten minutes now, sweetheart."

"Sorry, mom." She said sheepishly.

"You know, this year I was thinking of holding a summer party for the neighborhood. Or perhaps just invite the Dursley's over to our annual dinner party." She said thoughtfully.

Mr. Dursley, the great, fat, beast of a man, worked for her family's company. It was no secret that the Dursley's would do anything to impress them. And ever since they had moved in next door the big brute and his willowy wife wouldn't stop bothering them.

"Can we invite the new one as well?" She asked with wide eyes as her smile. "I'd very much like it if I had a friend that didn't look like a bullfrog."

"I'll make sure of it." Her mother winked before leaving her to stare out the window in peace.

She had always had a fascination with magic.

From ever since she could remember, she was always trying to cast spells with wands that she would make out of twigs.

Often times she went to the lady from across the road and they would talk about magic for hours on end. It was nice when someone humored her.

It was all make-believe, but to her it was as real as everything else. She willed it to be.

The Dudleys would never suit her fancy. They were far too normal to participate in things such as fun.

But seeing as they wanted to be in her father's good graces, Dudley would often play her ridiculous games.

She was happy for it, as it meant that she could go over to his house whenever she pleased.

However as Dudley lacked any form of imagination, they would often just build legos together.

It meant a great deal to the girl who hadn't many friends at all. They were new in the neighborhood and she had had to change schools.

Sometimes she would try to teach Dudley how to play piano, but it would always flop. He wasn't any good but she had liked watching him try.

It was good to see someone put so much commitment into a fake friendship.

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