Why? Because he knew about Professor Thornton and I? Maybe playing Hester made all the since to him because of the rumors Christian told me were floating around campus about us. This is why having Wyatt here would make me paranoid.

"Ha, no. Professor already made me set director so I'm not putting more stress on myself by auditioning for any leads. Plus I doubt they would cast me as Hester Prynne. "

Wyatt turns to me with furrowed brows, but it's the truth. Not because there was unspoken resentment between professor and I, or because it would seem like favoritism, but because I doubted the majority of class would vote to have a black girl as the leading role. Instead of wasting breath trying to explain that to him, I shrug it away.

"I guess we'll just have to let the class vote then."

During the remainder of the ride to my place, Wyatt and I refuse to address the elephant in the room—car. We exchange goodbyes with one another and he drives off into the night. It isn't like I wouldn't see him in class every week now.

Taylor is shoving a few things into a duffel bag as I make my way into our dorm. Neither of us speak which I expected. It wasn't like we had hashed out our differences. According to the information I gave Christian about our indifference, it was me who needed to apologize first.

"You're home," is all I bring my lips to speak.

She nods and finally turns to look at me since the argument transpired between us. She tells me her stay home won't be much longer because she's headed to Trevor's to babysit while he and Meghan go out to talk. All I could help thinking about was whether my brother would approve of them too going out together.

I strip away my winter attire and change into my pajamas in silent as Taylor continues to gather her things for an evening of babysitting. Only I want to speak with her to explain that maybe I had been a little insensitive about her reconnecting with Tony. About how I practically threw such a horrible situation in her face that on its own caused her immense pain. And because I needed to know what was going on with Meghan for my brother and a little bit for myself.

"When are you coming back?" I say, pulling out my script of The Scarlet Letter from my bag. Figured I'd start trying to stifle out the least important roles I could practice once we chose a partner next week. "I really think we should talk. Sooner than later."

"Not until tomorrow night but I'll most likely be in bed by the time you make it home. Trevor needs me to watch Emma for his shift tomorrow morning too."

So that's why he wasn't at work today.

Taylor must've noticed the distaste on my face because she offers me to come along with her. I don't have a moment to think about it before her phone is ringing with a call from someone announcing their presence downstairs.

"So, are you coming or not," she says, making her way towards the door.


Taylor's friend—who happened to be Leonardo— drops us off at Trevor's house and leaves just a quick. I knew there was chemistry between them both. We get to the top of his apartment complex and Taylor knocks. Based off the way things went in class, I didn't have to guess that I was someone he didn't want to see. Especially since tonight would be the night I officially got the chance to meet his daughter.

It's quiet on the other end of the door until his voice comes to life in a holler as he approaches.
He opens the door with ease until his eyes land on me. Trevor uses the door to block his bare chest from my view. "Taylor. I didn't know you were bring company," He says. "Alex, What are you doing here?"

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