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Just like any other school day, students can be seen hanging around the campus with their books and bags. Nicholas had time to drop Stacey at Sterling University which was on the way to where he was going.  

She did come back to him. A surprised popped up when he asked her a question after breakfast, and that is they're exclusively dating.

"Thanks for the ride!" Stacey closed the door to a sleek sporty grey convertible car. 

"Good luck babe!" Nicholas wished her before driving off. 

Emma caught Stacey by the entrance after Nicholas has just left. 

"Breakfast went a little too well, huh." Emma winked and nudged her by the arm. 

"What? Oh, shush, we didn't reach there...yet." Stacey was caught off-guard by Emma's appearance, she was in deep thoughts about what happened at breakfast earlier. 

"So what got you into this mood? The last time I saw you like this was on that day when our classes got cancelled due to some incoming snowstorm." Emma handed a cup of smoothie, she bought three on her way back from her appointment. 

"Thanks." Stacey sipped on her cold blueberry lemon smoothie while enjoying the sun out. Suddenly, Emma was dragged off to a quieter place. Somewhere under a tall tree, "I  sort of told him that I love him." Her voice squeaked at the end.

"You what!" 

"Shhh!" People were walking around nearby.

"What? It's not like anyone would know who we're talking about." Emma whispered shouted.

"Yeah, but I feel weird talking about this certain topic in public." 

"Well, what did he say?" 


"I said, 'what was his reply?'" Emma emphasizes on her question. 

"Huh? His reply was huh." Stacey repeats, she felt overwhelmed by talking about it. 


"But then he said it back!" 

The girls squealed excitedly jumping up and down.

"And he took my cookie!"

"Wait what?" Emma got lost by Stacey's last comment. 

"Long story." 

"Oh my goodness, this is huge!" Emma nodded at her reply, she can't wait for her to give the details later. "So he feels the same way." 

"I think so." 

"Think so! I think he's falling for you!" Emma clapped ecstatically. 

"This can't be, right? It's all going so fast, how can someone fall for someone in this short amount of time?" Stacey started to pace around, her hands were pressed on her temples and she was breathing through her mouth. 

"True love." Someone sang from behind. 

"Jenni!" Emma called out joyfully. 

"Hey, Jen." Stacey greeted quickly.

"Hello girls, what are you talking about? Are you okay Stace?" 

"You may have to sit down for this," Emma suggested to Jenni. 

"Me? I think Stacey should be the one sitting down, look at her." Jenni pointed to Stacey who was still pacing around them.

"Come on Stacey, spill." Emma took her by the shoulders and stopped her from pacing. 

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