Chapter 15

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My ankle is not fully healed, but Minho says I should start running again to pick up the slack of Thomas.

"Last day of training, you sure you aren't gonna miss me?" Minho suggests.


We meet eyes and then dash into the maze, Abby trailing behind us.

"Okay, we're going to be going over your section for the last time. Remember, right, right, left, right, left, left."

I groan, my section is lengthy with many obstacles.

We run the section with ease. My body has been conditioned enough so I can run without walking.


"Can I please have some of your sandwich?" I beg.

"No! You should have packed more!" Abby slaps my hands away.

"Here," Minho passes me a piece. "I'm not that hungry."

I gobble it down than stand up. "Let's go! I can feel it, we're close!"

Abby and Minho look at each other reluctantly. "Can't we finish eating?"

"Nope, let's go!"

Abby groans and drags Minho up. "C'mon you big lump."



We turn the corner and hear a noise.

"What was that?" I ask.

We listen again. A faint clicking noise clouds the air.

"Oh no," Minho mutters under his breath. "Girls, let's go. We have to keep moving. Go back to the Glade, now!"

We all sprint down the maze. Everything is a blur and the clicking noise seems to be pounding louder in my ears. I swerve behind a wall. Minho breaths heavily next to me.

"Wait," he says. "Where's Abby?"
We glance back and see her lying in the middle of the maze, not moving.

"Minho," I start.

He shakes his head in response. "I think the griever left. When did it leave?"

I run to her. A huge wound lies on her arm, a griever sting. "She's been stung!" I yell.

Minho puts her on his back and begins to run. "It's not far from here, come on!"



"Help! We need help!" I scream as we enter the Glade.

Minho dashes straight to the medjacks. He lays her down on the bed and Clint begins to work on her.

Sweat drips down Minho's face as he finally sits down. "It's all my fault." He mutters. "If only I hadn't talked to Alby, she would have been running with Thomas."

I rub his shoulder. "It could have happened to anyone. It could have been you or me. It's because of you she's still alive."

He sighs. "How do we tell Alby? He hates you guys. This is just another thing he'll blame on you all."

Wait, he hates us? Why? "Just tell him what happened. Nothing was at fault, I'm sure he'll-"

"You don't know Alby. He's seems nice, but he's not ready for change. I won't be surprised if he banishes you all." He instantly realizes his mistake.

"No Skylar, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I'm sure he wouldn't-"

"It's fine. Maybe I could survive the maze anyways."

"I'm sure you could." He takes my hand. "I would bet on it."



Hello my readers! I actually need help. How do you put GIFs in the beginning of chapters? I save them but they only turn up as photos on wattpad. I would greatly appreciate if someone helped me! Thank you all for reading!


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