Chapter 10

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The sounds of the glade make my eyes flutter open. I groan.

"Rise and shine, Greenie." Gally stands at the side of my bed. "We've got a big day today."

The sound of his voice makes me groan louder. I hop out of bed and make myself look presentable.

"You need to eat."


"Abby, if you're going to fix the homestead, you need to eat!"

"You can't tell me what to do! I can choose if I'm hungry or not!" I clench my hands in fists.

He lets out a breath in frustration. "Fine, but you can't eat until dinner."

I wasn't about to argue again.


"Okay, this is a big job. We are going to renovate the homestead. It hasn't been repaired since I've been here."

I raise my eyebrow in question. "How long have you been here?"

"Two years." He sighs.

"Two years! And you guys haven't found a way out?"

"Yep, two shucking years. Lets just get to work."

"But isn't there-"

"I said get to work." He cuts me off sharply.

I grab some tools and climb up to the roof. Pieces of aluminum have fallen off or rusted through. I strip them off and throw them to the ground. Gally hands me the new ones he requested from the creators.

"Don't mess up!" He laughs.

Wait, he's laughing? "Uh, yeah."

I nail the pieces to the sticks that make up the roof.

I finish up shortly after nightfall. Gally has already left me. I guess I'll get something to eat.




"Fry?" I call out. "I'm hungry!" The kitchen is empty, and I can't find anyone.

"Hey Abby," Gally stands smirking in the corner. In his hand is a brownish looking liquid. "Let's get rid of some of that hunger, shall we?"

"Umm, I'm not sure you can cook." I say, backing away.

"I wasn't talking about that." He runs up and pins my arms to the wall. "Your mine now." He crashes his lips onto mine and I can taste the bitter drink. He kisses harder but I try to resist. It doesn't please me at all.

"Help," I cry in between breaths. "Please."

He grabs both my wrists in one hand and uses the other. His right hand goes to my waist. It lifts up my shirt and slides right under.

He mumbles something inaudible and grins. Just as he makes it up to the tip of my chest, he's gone. Gally lies on the ground. I look up to see Thomas, with a look of fear on his face.

"Abby!" He whispers. "Oh my gosh." He takes me into a hug.

I cannot move. I cannot speak. There's something inside me that feels broken. Violated.

"I have to tell Newt. We need to get him banished or something..." He mumbles on.

"No." I manage to say. "I don't want anyone to know. But I can't be a builder anymore. Not with-" My voice chokes into a sob.

Thomas scoops me up and carries me back to the homestead.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah." I say, wiping a tear away.

He stares at me intensely. It's like he can read my mind.

I shake my head and cover my mouth with my hand to muffle the sobbing.

Thomas opens his arms and I gladly fall into them. He pulls me close and rests his lips on my forehead.

"Shhh... I will never let anything happen to you. It will be okay. I have you now."

And with his words, I fall asleep.




Okay so that was long. Please keep reading and voting! I love comments too!


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