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Domingo 11:40 P.M.

"Why didn't you warn us?" Denver screamed into the phone. "Por qué?! Where the hell were you?!"

62 Horas De Atraco

Hanoi was frantic as he tried to help Nairobi deal with Viena's wound. Nairobi had confirmed that it was just a flesh wound, but because it was in her side, it was still messy to fix. In those moments he felt utterly useless. He hadn't stopped crying since the gunfight, and now he was worried about Viena.

"Man down! Man down!" Helsinki brought in Oslo who was unconscious and had gauze wrapped around his head.

"What happened Helsinki?" Denver asked him.

"Hostages escaped. A heavy blow and a concussion. Denver, did you know about the escape? Who orchestrated the escape?" Helsinki asked him.

Hanoi watched, breathless as Denver had tears pooling around his eyes. "Which hostage?" Helsinki urged.

Denver looked around guilty as he struggled to reveal the name. "Arturo told me, but I didn't- I didn't get there in time."

Hanoi, with blood covering his fingers, walked over the the others. Berlín glanced at him before looking back at Helsinki.

"Helsinki. Helsinki. Oslo is in bad shape." Informed Berlín.


"He's badly wounded, Helsinki."

"No. No." Hanoi looked down as Helsinki refused to believe the circumstances. "Not badly wounded. Not badly wounded. He just needs to rest. And take some medicine."

"Why are his eyes open?" Hanoi asked them.

"I'll give him Prednisone," Helsinki said. "anti-inflammatories, and Heparin. And he'll fall asleep. And tomorrow Oslo will feel better."

Hanoi, Denver, Moscú, and Berlín all stood around Helsinki. They all knew how this would end, but they didn't say anything. Hanoi's lip trembled, thinking of Viena ending up like Oslo. Oslo was his friend and now he would die. He didn't know how to handle death, not at all. He wasn't strong, but he wasn't weak either, he just wasn't prepared for this.

"Don't worry." Helsinki reassured. "Oslo and I have been through worse hiccups." They all laughed at his comment, trying to bring up the mood in the room.

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