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Police sirens blared all around the young boy, and for once, they weren't coming for him. Alvaro calmly exited the café and turned the corner, pulling up the hood of his sweatshirt and keeping his head down.

He pulled at his sleeve to cover up the bandage on his left wrist and grimaced in pain. He had a gash on his wrist and he was certain that it was sprained. Alvaro tried not to think about what had happened a few nights before.

The brunette boy walked a few more blocks before coming looking over his shoulder and picking the lock to the abandoned building. He quickly shut the door and leaned his back against it.

How did my life get to this point?

He asked himself this question nearly every day, but at this moment everything changed.

"Alvaro García" said an unfamiliar voice.

Without hesitation, Alvaro whipped out his pocket knife, ready to use it. He slowly stepped to where the light fixture hung and pulled the string. The bulb turned on and in the corner, sitting in a chair was the man. The mysterious man wore glasses and if Alvaro was completely honest, he looked nerdy and very nervous.

"Who are you?" Alvaro questioned. The man put his hands above his head and avoided eye contact. "How do you know my name?"

"Please," the man said. "Just let me explain." He gestures to the knife and Alvaro narrowed his eyes before pocketing it.

"I have a job for you." He started.

Alvaro quickly interrupted him, "What kind of job?"

"How does 2.4 billion euros sound?"

Alvaro drew out his knife again. "Joder hombre, en serio?" This man has to be on something for that kind of idea.

"No, no, escúchame por favor..."

And with that, the mysterious, nerdy man introduced himself as the Professor, and he attempted to convince the young brunette to take the job. He knew it would be challenging, but in the end it would all work out. The Professor also knew how emotionless and vicious Alvaro could be, and that he needed someone like that for the group. At that moment, the Professor gained his ninth member, and one step closer to his tenth.



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"Estás bien?"

The blonde painfully looked up at the man in front of her. She gulped, thinking he was here to finish her off. She reached inside the bag beside her and shakily pulled out the gun. The man looked at her with sad eyes, and without fear, crouched down and sat next to her.

The noise from above shook the ground on which they sat. The two of them sat under a bridge, near a river. The girl carefully placed the gun on the pavement and closed her eyes. She thought she was going to die.

"I just want to help you Valentina." He said. "Valentina Muñoz, verdad?"

Valentina looked at the mysterious man with fury in her eyes. "How could you possibly help me?"

"Con un trabajo."

The Professor explained the price and told her that he already had the rest of the team. She was the missing link. Valentina agreed mainly because she had nowhere else to go, but quite frankly, she needs the money too.

After the events of the previous day, the young blonde was hungry and exhausted. The Professor helped her get up and they got into a red Seat Ibiza, and took off. Valentina looked out the window with a single tear falling down her cheek while the Professor drove through Madrid. They stopped at a convenience store and the Professor told Valentina to wait in the car.

A few minutes passed and they were driving again. The Professor handed her the bag from the store, and she emptied the contents into her lap. There was some rubbing alcohol, bandages, gauze, a water bottle, and lastly a sandwich.

"You should clean yourself up before any of your wounds get infected." The Professor told her nervously. He had never personally seen such a young girl in the kind of state that she was in. Of course he had heard of what happened to her family the day before, but he didn't expect to find her like this.

The two of them kept driving, and they remained in silence until they were about half an hour from the Toledo house.

"Why me?" Her small voice asked.

"Debido a su familia," he said. "I know what skills you have and you would complete the team."

The corners of her mouth turned slightly, and it didn't go unnoticed by the Professor. He chuckled slightly, "También, I also know how well you can use weapons and believe it or not, you're more like a robber than you think."

This made her chuckle too, but she stayed silent. They finally pulled up the house, and a few more cars were there waiting for them. The Professor looked up at the house in front of him and thought to himself. We can actually pull this off.



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Sergio walked with the other ten adults. Two Serbs, a woman with a red biker jacket, the young computer genious, his brother, a woman who counterfeited money, a father and son duo, and lastly the youngest ones of the group.

An eighteen year old blonde girl, covered in wounds and recently orphaned. And walking on the opposite side of the group was the hostile nineteen year old who was orphaned too, but had been for most of his life.

With the two new additions to the team, the Professor knew they would pull this heist off.


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