"Promise me."

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Michael Gray Imagine #5

I stared at myself in the mirror, tilting my head slightly to see if it made me appear any different.

It didn't.

Letting out a sigh, I turned sideways, running my hand down my stomach and trying to see or feel any bump showing. Nothing.

The door leading into the bathroom opened suddenly, startling me and causing me to turn back towards the mirror. I nonchalantly fixed the straps of my dress as Michael came waltzing over, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"You look beautiful." He whispered, placing a small kiss on my cheek.

"I'm glad you think so." I replied, straightening my dress at the hem. "I don't think this dress fits right."

He chuckled softly in my ear and raised up the hem of my dress slightly, his hand hot against my thigh. "I beg to disagree."

I rolled my eyes, throwing a smile his way before I grabbed my clutch from the end of the bed, "Let's just hope tonight goes smoothly."

"What could go wrong?"


We arrived at the Shelby Charity Foundation dinner shortly after it started. Everyone was already split into small groups, no doubt talking about the events for the evening.

Michael and I immediately headed over to John, Arthur and Esme who stood on the other side of the ballroom. We conversed for a few minutes before I saw Ada and Polly appear nearby.

"Michael", I diverted his attention from whatever John was saying, "I need to go talk to Ada. I'll be back."

He nodded at me and kissed the side of my head before turning his attention back to his cousins. I quietly and slowly started walking towards Polly and Ada, and had only made it a few steps before they saw me walking over to them.

Immediately, Polly's eyes lowered to my stomach and I felt as if her stare could see through my skin. When her eyes met mine they were unreadable and I braced myself for what she was about to say.

"Ada", I greeted her with a quick hug, "I've missed you."

"You too Y/N. How have you been?"

I nodded softly, trying to find anything to talk about but my mind was swirling and trying not to focus on the stare Polly was giving me.

"Good. I've been good." I said lamely, "And Michael's...good." I groaned at my lack of words.

"Well that's...good." Ada replied encouragingly. I knew she was just trying to be nice, so I decided to change the conversation.

"So, Polly. How are things?" I asked as I tried anything to move from awkward conversing.

She didn't answer, but kept her same stare on me that sent chills up my spine. She knew. She had to know.

"Polly—" I started but she cut me off.

"How far?" She asked.

"I don't know what—"

"How far along?" She asked slowly, making sure to enunciate every word clearly.

Ada looked at me in surprise and I knew she figured out what Polly was talking about. I sighed in defeat.

"8 weeks", I glanced over at Ada, "I went to the doctor this morning."

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