"You don't fucking scare me."

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Finn Shelby Imagine #2

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

My voice woke Finn from his daze, startling him to almost the point of him falling from his stool. His eyes had been locked on the doors to the private room in the Garrison ever since Tommy and two men went inside. I called his name, but he didn't respond.

     "They've been in there too long, Y/N. What if somethings happening?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.

     "Tom's a smart man, I'm sure he can handle himself." I replied, taking a sip of my drink sitting in front of me.

     He sighed and turned back towards the bar, though I could see him steal glances over towards the door. I, myself, had even began worrying when I heard slams on the table, but it went silent after a few moments.

     "If something happens, I'm going in there."

     "I don't need you jumping into the lions den, Finn."

I rested a hand on his shoulder, laying my head on top of it. He sighed again, shaking his head in frustration.     After a few seconds, the door to the room opened and the two men exited quickly.

Too quickly.

Finn jumped up and immediately followed them out the door. I groaned and begrudgingly followed suit, making sure to stop and make sure Tommy was okay. He was sitting in his usual spot at the end of the table, a cigarette sitting between his lips. Once I knew he was safe, I raced after Finn.     He was hiding behind a cart a ways up the street, watching the two men conversing. I huddled next to him, trying to hear what they were saying, but they were too far and I was terrible at reading lips.

     "They have Irish accents, that's all I can tell." Finn said, ducking down when the men turned in our direction.

     "Maybe Tommy just had business." It was almost like I was trying to convince myself that nothing suspicious was happening.

     "I will not remain idle." He said before following after one of the men who had turned down an alley.     I had a feeling this night was far from over.


We had followed one of the men into a nearby bar, watching as he sat and drank for almost an hour before making his way out. He was stumbling a bit by the time he made it to the street, and I was almost certain this "mission" was pointless.

     "Finn, he clearly means no harm." I stopped him from walking and held onto his arm, preventing him from chasing after him. "This is all for nothing."

"It's not for nothing, Y/N. I know it. This doesn't sit well with me." He yanked his arm out of my hand and turned to keep walking when we saw the man was standing just a few feet from us.    

"Then it doesn't sit well with either, it seems." The man said, his voice deeper than his appearance would seem.

     Finn took a step forward, almost in a protective way. I didn't know what was about to happen and I felt the adrenaline already start to kick in. Nobody was in the alley, and if there was, they'd turn a blind eye to what would happen. If something were to, at least.

     "I'm Finn Shelby. What business do you have in Birmingham?" He shuffled on his feet. I could tell he was trying to act brave. "We don't take well to unwelcomed visitors."

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