"Shes hired."

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John Shelby Imagine #3

I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep-- and failing-- when my mother barged through the door. Knowing she wanted me to do something for her, and not being in the mood to work, I acted as if I hadn't heard her come in. She called my name but I didn't respond, hoping she would just go away. Sadly, she wouldn't let up, even after several minutes.

"Y/N, get your ass out of that bed. We have a meeting and I need you at your best. Clean yourself up and wear that new outfit I brought you this morning", she whipped the covers off of me and I instinctively curled into a ball, "If you're not downstairs in half an hour then I'll pick Louisa to do the job."

She slammed the door behind her, leaving me in blissful silence. I almost moaned at how peaceful I felt at that moment, but it was interrupted when the door opened again and clothes being thrown at me. After the door shut again I sat up, rubbing my face and walking over to the bathroom to wash up. This must be an important meeting to have my mom panicking the way she is.

My mother, Alice Diamond, controlled an all-female gang on the West-End of London. Everyone knew of her and almost as many feared her- The ones that were smart at least. She has been in charge since she was my age, and as her only child, I would be taking over after she left. But for now, I was her secret weapon, which I took great pride in. So her needing me on such short notice told me this wasn't child's play.


After cleaning up I made me way down to the meeting room, where my mom sat waiting with her lieutenant, Maggie. When they saw me enter, mother sighed in relief.

"I thought you were seriously going to make me get Louisa's ass in here." Mother groaned, walking over to me and adjusting my appearance. I was wearing a satin slip that was so small that I was almost busting out of it on both ends.

"Too big." She muttered, more to herself than me. I rolled my eyes, pushing past her but she pulled me back, further adjusting my outfit.

"I can barely breathe, mother." I replied, pulling down the back of my slip, which only made her swat at my hand to stop interfering.

"You don't need to breathe, girl. Look the part and do what you're told." Maggie responded from the corner, smoking on her cigarette from the same hand that held a glass of gin.

"Now," Mom ruffled my hair a bit, making it messier than how I had it, "We have very important guests coming. We're going to do business, hopefully. And you are part of this deal," She pulled down at the front of my slip, exposing even more of what already left little to the imagination, "When the men come in, you pick one. You'll know what to do when the time comes."

Instead of arguing, I nodded and went to sit beside Maggie. Mother made her way back over to behind her desk and drank down the rest of her gin, so Maggie poured her another glass. I asked for some, but they refused, saying I needed no impairment. I groaned and rested my head on the back of the chair, closing my eyes and pretending I was back in bed.

The door to the office opened and Louisa walked in, "The Shelby's are here."

"Let them in," she turned to me, "Tie your robe shut."

I sighed and quickly closed the robe around me, tightening it and leaning back in my chair. When I heard the footsteps down the hall I grabbed a cigarette off of the desk and lit it before my mom could object, as Louisa opened the door, allowing three men to enter the room.

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