"And I chose you."

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Thomas Shelby Imagine #3

"Please tell me why I am being dragged to this meeting." I said as my father, brother and I made our way to a Birmingham scrapyard. "I have no interest in working for gangsters."

"You have no choice," my father said as he pulled down a dirty back road, "They're paying well. 500 a head."

I rolled my eyes, making my brother, Bonnie, laugh. Our father was Aberama Gold, a notorious assassin in England. We've traveled the country taking down men of all kinds. My father and brother were the hit men, and I would be used, when needed, to lure the men to their fate. After years of practice, we had it almost perfected.

     When our father was offered the job in Birmingham, we packed and left immediately, though I wished to stay home. He told me all about the men we were hired to work for, and I had no care to work for men who would try to rip my father off for his deeds. I would know because it has been tried before. It didn't end well for them I'm afraid.

     "Dad's also hoping they can get me to train as a fighter." Bonnie piped in, waking me from my thoughts.

     "Bonnie, you don't need a trainer. You could knock out a bear." I replied, looking out the window.

     The rest of the ride was mostly silent as I mentally prepared myself for the meeting. Bonnie and my father had already met the ones we were to help, even killing two of them at a funeral for one of the brothers. Now it was time to make a deal.

     "We're here, stick with me." Bonnie said, looking back at me from the passenger seat.

     I followed after them as we made our way around the yard, making sure to stay close to Bonnie. Not that I was afraid, but it was habit to stay close around strangers. I saw all of the men throughout the scrapyard and pulled my coat closer to my chest instinctively. We turned a corner and laid out was a large table and men scattered around it.

     Two men stood out from the rest. Both were dressed exactly the same, and I knew immediately who the ones that were in charge were. The one on the left stood out even more than the other. Maybe it was his eyes, or the hard stare he sent my way as we approached.

     "I just took a look around. I like this place," my father said as we neared closer, "Fire for melting silver, canal to get it away. How much?"

They were not phased by my father's question, in fact, they almost seemed amused. It made my blood boil slightly at their amusement.

     Finally, the one I knew to be Tommy, spoke up, "Nothing you see here is for sale, Mr. Gold." He inhaled the cigarette in his hand, holding it for a few seconds before releasing.

     "Oh, everything is for sale. Everything." My dad tossed the rest of his drink into the bonfire, having it spark up. "You tell Mr. Strong, I'm going to buy his yard."

     Leave it to my dad not to take no for an answer.

     "This yards been in his family since they settled--"

     "But I've decided to make it part of our deal."

     I looked towards Bonnie, who looked stoic at the situation. I nudged him and he looked down at me, sending me a smirk before turning back. There was a silence between the two sides. Finally, Tommy called over the owner of yard.

     "We're gunna spin a coin for your yard Charlie." He said simply, not daring to break eye contact with any of us. When his eyes reached mine I smiled lightly, and his eyes softened almost unnoticeably. But I saw it. "If it's heads, Abby here takes all of this with my blessing. And if it's tails," He pointed a finger over at me, "I fuck your daughter Mr. Gold."

The man beside him, his brother, Arthur, could barely contain his hysterics and my father's smile was quickly overtaken by a glare. Bonnie took a step to the right, blocking me from their view. I groaned and pushed him back over. While I was upset to be used as a bargaining chip, I found it quite amusing and found myself struggling to hide my own laughter.

     "Something funny, Miss. Gold?" He asked, his eyes never failing to leave mine.

"You are, Mr. Shelby." I replied, taking a step to align myself between Bonnie and our father.

     "Do I humor you?" He wasn't laughing, so I assumed he was serious about this bet.

     "You must be desperate if you have to flip a coin to have a fuck. I would think a man of your standing could have anybody they choose."

     "And I chose you."

     That brought a smirk on my face I didn't mean to let out. I groaned at my second of weakness, but I felt slight butterflies building up and fought the urge to show it physically. I've never had a man be so blunt about their desires. It was almost a breath of fresh air.

     "So make her part of the deal and spin her against the yard." Tommy tossed the coin and my father caught it, looking at both sides of the coin. "Toss the coin, Mr. Gold."

     Bonnie leaned over to whisper into our dad's ear, blocking me from sight, "Don't you dare flip that coin."

     I nudged my way back between them, "Why, Bonnie? Are you afraid? We all know I have been in worse situations," I glanced at Tommy, "and with many men worse off than this one."
         "Y/N, you said yourself you didn't want to involve yourself with gangsters." Bonnie spat back. He must've hated the idea of me under Tommy.

"Toss the coin, Mr. Gold." Tommy said again.

     My father flipped the coin over a few more times, almost debating what to do. He set the coin on top of his thumb, ready to flip and I held my breath. Either way, in my eyes, I was a winner. Bonnie and I were both waiting for him to make a move, and eventually he pulled the coin back into his hand and held it up.

     "Tommy Shelby, OBE. No wager today."

Tommy took a few steps towards us before throwing his cigarette onto the ground, "Please don't again disrespect my friends," he looked down at me, "or their valued property."

My father nodded at him and escorted Bonnie away to the table, expecting me to follow, but I stayed back, holding eye contact with Tommy.

     There was amusement on his face as he took the last few steps to stand right in front of me, "If I wanted to fuck you, Y/N, I wouldn't even have to ask." He raised his hand, fixing of piece of hair that had fallen in front of my face. His touch sent shivers throughout my whole body and I tried my best to calm myself, for I was getting too excited. And I'm sure Tommy could sense it. "And I know, because I could fuck you on that table in front of these guests, and you wouldn't complain."

"You seem so sure of yourself, Tommy Shelby." I grabbed his hand, pulling it away from my face. "But I will not be quite that easy."

I saw Bonnie notice my absence and look around, noticing Tommy and I's proximity to each other. He stood up to make his way over but I held up my hand, stopping him from coming over.

     "I am never one to not get what he wants. That is why I am a business man."

I took a step back from him, "I have no desires for business men."

He didn't respond, but replied with just a smile that I knew meant more than just symbol of good will. This was far from over. On both ends.

I began making my way over to Bonnie at the table, but turned back to see Tommy still watching me intently.     "Good luck, Mr. Shelby."

Game. Set. Match.

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