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                    Dedicated to ANDYmMAE

I never thought we could ever be friends and have so much fun together
I can't believe we're literally sisters now
All the moments we've shared are much treasured in my heart

I can't ever bear to lose you, so hey, let's be friends forever, okay?
It hasn't been that long since I realized
That I totally misjudged you
Cause I realized, you're actually sweet, a sarcasm queen, and so gifted, could you share some for me?

I love you like you're my blood
Support you like you're my kin
Care for you like we're family
My dear friend, Andie.
Just know I always have your back in everything you do, I promise.

And if you need to talk
Find a shoulder to cry on
Release your burdens on someone
I'll be there to listen and help

You'll find me waiting with a comforting smile
Some chocolate for you, understanding eyes
I'll take your pain and add it to mine
There's nothing I won't do to make you smile and
Stop you from crying

You know that's me,
Your friend,


I have the best of friends, both virtual and in my unvirtual life (because online friends are still my real friends so...). That's why I think this is my third poem that's talking about how much I love my friends. I've actually written a poem for everyone of my friends, I've just been too lazy to type them all so here's one anyway. I doubt Andie has ever read this poetry book more than once, maybe when she first followed me on here, lol. Let's just say, poetry is not really her main arena. But now, she'll be forced to come on here and read this poem I made for her because it's dedicated to her and it'll just be rude for her not to read it, lol. So, Andie, I call you from wherever you are and summon you to my poetry book to read this poem I made for you. Love you!!!! Soooo muchhh!!! Yh, that's right, I love you. And I love you too, my amazing, wonderful, beautiful readers. I love you all!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you for reading. Pls if you can, vote, comment and maybe share.
You know, I love y'all, right?
Good, bye then.
For real now tho, I need to sleep. 😅

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