I'm Okay...No Really I Am

53 10 14

People say it's gonna be better, you have to stay strong
If you make it through the dark, there's a brighter day
There's always a light at the end of the tunnel

But how can things be better when I don't like change
How can I stay strong when I never was
How will I reach a brighter day when the dark is my friend
How will I reach the light when I get lost in the tunnel?

The way I see things, I can never be free
I'll always be lonely, please don't try to convince me
I can't feel better when this is my best.

So there's no staying strong or brighter day or light in the dark
For someone who has embraced the evil inside
And isn't ready to let go of the demons in her mind

For someone who'd rather stay here than run blindly into the light and get lost in a storm
For someone who prefers the raincloud to the rainbow
For someone who prefers to stay all alone

For someone who has let her worst self become her reality, playing with the demons who call her to her death°~


Well, hello to you too dear readers/ friends. Glad to see that you've made it to this chapter. Would you like to tell me what you think? Comment sections are available!!!
Yes, happy new month to all, coming about 8 days late but better late than never, am I right? Anyways, to all those wonderful supporters out there, thank you, you are highly appreciated!!
Can you imagine, this book is already at 700 reads!! Who knew it was possible??
Umm, so sorry about the long author's notes all the time but some of you like them so I'll just keep them but,you know, reduce them, a lot. Anyways, pls vote, comment and maybe share.

Like one of my friends says,
Love you 3000+
Yh, I love you all, whether we've spoken or not.
You're amazing!!!
Till next update( which is right away)


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