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Feeling alone yet not alone
Feeling unloved and yet so loved
Filled with doubt when there is faith
Filled with pain when there's no ache.

Why do I torture myself like this
When there's no reason for me to?
Why do I treat myself to this pain When there's nothing to ache for?

I pray for love when I'm surrounded by it
I pray for friends who are all around me
Am I so blind that I can't see,
How much they really care for me?
So why, why this never ending ache?

I need someone, though I know there's a lot,
Who I can tell how much this pain really hurts.
Would they know it's real and not but them?
I need love, unconditional love.

I need someone who reads my thoughts
And knows just how to make me feel,
On top of the world.
I need someone who can see through a facade
Who can know when I'm really hurting
And take the pain away.
So, two chapters in one day, I hope you guys like this.
Thanks for your support and for coming this far with my book(even though it's not far at all).
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u all.



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