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I don't know if I'm excited or anxious as I held the Launcher in my hands. I'm heading towards excitement as I realize that I get some payback with these WICKED shanks. I could finally save my friends from them and we could finally leave this awful place.

When the first guard arrived, I let my excitement take over me and fired. The first grenade struck the man's chest and it sends him backward. His body was twitching and convulsing in a web of lightning. Two more showed up after him, a man and woman. They raised their Launchers but Minho grabbed the woman by the shirt and pulled her towards him. He swung her across his body and slammed her into the wall. The woman fired, but it missed him and ended up leaving a short burst of crackling sounds on the tile floor.

Tony went after the man. He fired at the man's legs; the tiny jagged bolts shot up his body and he screamed. When the crackling stop, Tony grabbed the man and threw him out of the room, his back hitting the wall of the hallway. Minho disarmed the woman and had her kneeling while holding his own Launcher at her head.

Another man came threw the door. Newt knocked his weapon away and punched him in the face. He collapsed to his knees, holding a hand to his bloodied mouth. The man looked up at Newt, with his mouth open. Newt took a step back before he shot the man in the chest. It was so close that there was this terrible popping sound as it exploded. The guard squealed as he fell to the floor, his body writhing with electricity.

"You're not the only one who can throw a punch," Newt glared at Tony. He had a proud smirk on his face as he motioned towards something at the back of the room. "Bet you didn't see those beetle blade's watchin' every bloody thing we do."

"I would if I knew what they are," Tony sneered, which made Newt's smirk grow.

"We've got to get out of here, then," I said, breaking them up. "They're just going to keep coming."

Thomas looked at the little robotic lizard before looking at the woman. "How many of you are there?" he asked. "Are there more coming?"

The woman didn't respond at first. Minho glanced up at me and I nodded before putting my Launcher away. I walked over and grabbed her shoulder before taking a good swing at her face. I was proud of myself when her mouth started to bleed.

"There're at least fifty on duty," she responded.

"Then where are they?" Minho asked.

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me!" he shouted.

"We...Something else is going on. I don't know what. I swear."

"Like what?" I interrogated. She seemed to be telling the truth. Unless this is just some distraction so the other guards could get here.

She shook her head. "I just know that a group of us were called to a different section, that's all."

"And you have no idea why?" I asked with my head tilted a bit. I looked at Minho. "I don't know about you but I have a hard time believing that."

"I swear."

Minho grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled her to her feet. "We'll just take the nice lady here as a hostage, then. Let's go."

Thomas stepped in front of us. "Brenda needs to lead - she knows the way around this place. Then me, then Dan and Tony, then Minho with his new friend, then Newt in the rear."

"Why can't Danny be next to me?" Newt objected.

"Because we can all agree that Dan is the better fighter," Thomas explained. "If there are more guards in the front then she could -"

"I think she should go with Blondie," Tony argued.

"What? Why?"

"Yeah, you two were at each other's throats not five minutes ago. Now, you guys suddenly kiss and made up," Minho commented.

Tony glared at him. "No. It'll be safer if she's in the back, out of Launchers pointing at her." Tony took another second before saying, "If more guards come in the back then we'll be screwed if it's just the boy with the limp."

"Are you saying I'm useless, slinthead?" Newt seethed.

"I'm saying I'm not going in there blind."

"How about I -"

I held my hands up and placed them over their chest. "Shut it!" I shouted. I groaned. "I'll stick in the back. Now, we can all just stop arguing before more guards decide to show up."

"Fine," Newt and Tony said.

I sighed before nodding at Brenda to continue. She nodded back before hurrying out. Thomas followed her after wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. Tony glared at Newt before running after them, then Minho and the hostage. I was about to follow but Newt pulled me back.

"Newt, what are you -" I stopped when Newt grabbed my face and crashed our lips together. My eyes widened at the sudden kiss but I still felt myself enjoying it. I gave Newt a confused look when he pulled away. "What was that for?"

"You're mine," he said. "Don't forget that."

I nodded. "I know, Newt. But do you have to remind me about that now?" We're kinda in the middle of something here.

I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist tighter. "I'm serious, Danny. You're mine. No one else's." Is he being serious, right now? Or is this the Flare getting to him? Newt leaned closer so he was towards my ear. "When we get out of here, I'm going to bloody remind you in every way possible."

Ok, he's being serious.

I didn't get enough time to respond when he yanked me towards the hall with the others. We had to run to catch up with them but not once did he let go of me. I ignored the pain as I held the Launcher tightly with my free hand.

We reached th end of the hallway and made a right. Everything looked exactly the same. A long stretching hall that had double doors. For some reason, it reminded me of the long stretch before we reached the Cliff.

Thomas pulled out Rat Man's key card from his pocket.

"I wouldn't do that," the lady yelled desperately. "I bet there're twenty guns waiting to burn you alive on the other side."

I don't care. We just need to find Jorge and the Berg, then everyone else. My only concern right now is Frypan, Sonya, and Harriett. We're not going to leave them behind just because they wanted their memories back.

Thomas looked at me, Tony, Minho, and Newt. "We've only got a few Launchers, and we better believe that there are more guards on the other side of those doors waiting for us. Are we up for this?"

Hell yeah.

Minho stepped up to the key card panel, dragging the guard by the shirt. "You're going to open this for us so we can focus on your buddies. Stand right there and don't do anything until we say. Don't mess with me." He swiveled toward Thomas. "Start shooting as soon as the doors crack." Then he realized what he said and looked at me. "Tiger, you start shooting as soon as the doors crack."

I smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Gotcha."

Thomas nodded. "I'll crouch. Minho, you lean over my shoulder. Brenda to the left. Newt to the right. Tony, stand behind us. Dan, you come next to me."

I nodded and crouched next to him. I tried to ignore the pain in my wrist as I held my Launcher towards the doors. Everyone else got in position.

"Open on thee," Minho said. "And guard lady, you try anything or run away, I guarantee one of us will get you. Mostly, Tiger. Thomas, you count off."

The woman pulled out her key card but said nothing.

"One," Thomas began. "Two."

I held my breath as my finger hovered over the trigger. I was waiting for Thomas to call out, but before he could an alarm started blaring and the lights went out.

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