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Brenda pulled Jorge into a hug before inspecting him for injuries. As she did, she couldn't help the millions of questions that began pouring out of her.

"What happened? How'd you get hurt? Who took the Berg? Where is everyone?"

Jorge groaned and gently pushed her away. "Calm your pants, hermana. My head feels like it's been stomped by dancin' Cranks. Just give me a sec while I get my wits back together."

Brenda's face flushed as she sat down. Her fingers kept tapping on her thigh and I completely understand where they were both coming from. Jorge slowly began recollecting his thoughts. It's amazing how he and Minho used to butt heads and now we're all working together.

Jorge squeezed his eyes shut and opened them a few times before he began talking. "I don't know how they did it, but they took over the compound, got rid of the guards, stole a Berg, flew out of here with another pilot. I was an idiot and tried to get them to wait until I could find out more about what's going on. Now my head's paying for it."

"Who?" Brenda asked. "Who are you talking about? Who left?"

Jorge's eyes landed on Thomas. "That Teresa chick. Her and the rest of the subjects. Well, all of them except you muchachos."

My mouth flew open as I ignored all the question that was spewed out of Tony, Newt, and Minho. So, the Gladers all managed to escape with Teresa's help. And those shitheads just left us here. We were all worried about their safety but they had the audacity to leave us like that. Did they even try to stay and wait? Did Sonya, hell even Aris, try looking for us? What about Frypan? So all of our friends just up and left us?

I looked toward Thomas to see him steadying himself against a heavy crate. "TomTom," I called out to him. "You ok?"

Thomas shook his head. "This just doesn't make any sense," he muttered.

Jorge had enough of Tony, Newt, and Minho. "Shut your traps!" he shouted. "You're driving nails through my head - just...quit talking for a minute. Somebody help me get up."

"You better start explaining what bloody happened. From the beginning," Newt said as he pulled Jorge to his feet.

"And be quick about it," Minho added.

Jorge leaned back onto the wooden box and crossed his arms, a little wince escaping him. "Look, hermano, I already told you I don't know much. What I said happened is what happened. My head feels like -"

"Ok, we get it. Your head hurts. I'll find you some shuck aspirin if you tell us what you know already!" I snapped, which surprised everyone including me. I covered my mouth with my hand as I realized I just yelled at Jorge. "I'm sorry."

Tony came from behind and began rubbing my shoulders. "Shh, just relax. You're just tired and stressed," he said. I didn't even notice the small look that was exchanged between Jorge and Brenda. "We're all on the same side."

Newt marched over, grabbed my wrist, and yanked me away from Tony. "What did I bloody say about being near her?" he growled. Newt reached down and laced our fingers together, but it felt like he was tightening his hold on me. He glared at Jorge. "Just get on with it. Talk so we buggin' know what we need to do."

"Look," Jorge said. "I spend most ofmy time in this hangar, okay? I startedhearing all kinds of shouts and warningsover the com, then the silent-alarm lightsstarted blinking. I went out to investigateand just about had my head blown off."

"At least it wouldn't hurt anymore," Minho muttered.

Jorge chose to ignore him. "Then the lights went outand I ran back in here to find my gun.Next thing I know, Teresa and a bunch ofyour hooligan friends come running inhere like the world's about to end,hauling old Tony along to fly a Berg. Idropped my lousy pistol when seven oreight Launchers were aimed at my chest,then I begged them to wait, explainthings to me. But some chick with blondhair whacked me in the forehead with thebutt of her gun. I passed out, woke up tosee your ugly faces staring down at meand a Berg gone. That's all I know."

"They left us behind," Thomas whispered. "I can't believe it."

Neither can I. I can't accept the fact that our friends chose to leave us.

"Huh?" Minho asked.

"Speak up, Tommy," Newt added.

Thomas looked at all three of us. "They left us behind. At least we went back and looked for them. They left us here for WICKED to do whatever they want with us."

I shook my head. "This can't be right," I breathed. "Maybe they did search for us and couldn't find anyone. Or maybe the firefight got too nasty and they were forced to leave."

Minho scoffed. "All the guards are freaking tied up in that room back there! They had plenty of time to come look for us. No way. They left us."

"On purpose," Newt said in a low voice.

My throat tightened up as I felt my eyes begin glossing over. "No, no, they wouldn't leave us on purpose. I'm sure -"

"Tiger, they left us," Minho snarled. "Those slintheads decided to leave us here." I used my free hand to cover my mouth as I choked back a sob. "Are you really going to cry? You never cry at a time like this."

Tony glared at Minho. "Shut it."

"Something's off," Thomas began. "Teresa's been acting like WICKED's number one fan lately. Why would she escape? It has to be somekind of trick. Come on, Brenda—you toldme not to trust them. You have to knowsomething. Talk."

Brenda shook her head. "I don'tknow anything about this. But why is itso hard to believe that the other subjectswould have the same idea we did? Toescape? They just did a better job of it."

"Are you seriously insulting us, right now?" I felt myself get angry again. "Use that word again, I dare you. I'll be glad to punch you in the face."

"What's with the sudden mood change?" Newt asked me. "You were just crying not two second ago."

"Maybe it's that time of the month," Minho suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.

Brenda gave Minho a look. "Seriously? A period joke?" She sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Can we just figure out what we need to do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Tony began. "We need to get out of here." He looked at Jorge before motioning to the Berg. "Can you really fly that thing?"

Jorge grinned. "Damn straight, muchacho. One of the best."

Tony raised his brow. "Ok, then answer me this, if you're one of their best then why did they send you to the Scorch?"

Jorge looked at Brenda. "WhereBrenda goes, I go. And I hate to say it,but heading for the Scorch sounded betterthan staying here. I looked at it like avacation." He tilted his head to the side as he looked back at Tony. "Now, your turn. What's up with you babying the girl? I've heard of being overprotective but this is taking it too far. Do you know something they don't?"

Tony and Jorge had their little stare down but it soon broke when an alarm started blaring. Brenda looked at the doors with wide eyes. Tony immediately stood in front of me as we noticed at least a dozen of the black-clad guards rushed in and pointed their weapons at us. Without warning, they began firing.

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