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I feel so groggy. My body hurts. My mind is spinning. All I know is that Tony is unhooking the needles from my arms before he picked me up bridal style. Tony ran us out of the room. He looked down the corridor before he continued to carry me. Every twist and turns, I felt my body slowly coming back. Tony turned to another corner but pulled us back and hid. He tilted his head back against the wall before he slowly looked back. With the angle I'm in, I could see two guards talking to each other not that far. Tony was formulating a plan in his head before he gently set me down.

"Wait here," he whispered.

I furrowed my brows when my vision started coming back. Besides the blood and bruises on Tony's face, I noticed his eyes were a bit different. They were becoming more pitch black as dark veins were crawling up his neck. His skin was sickly pale.

"What did they -" I started.

Tony shushed me before standing up. He ran around the corner and I heard someone yelping before there was a grunting sound. I heard another crashing noise before I heard two bodies fell on the ground. I grabbed the wall and turned my body so I could at least get up. I pulled myself up as Tony ran back and threw the guard uniform at me.

"Put that on," he said as he took his jacket off and began putting his disguise on.

And I did. I noticed the dark veins weren't just on Tony's neck but they were coming up his arms as well. "Tony," I breathed. "What the hell did they do to you?"

Tony spun around as he put the jacket on. "I'm a Crank, remember? This was bound to happen sooner or later. I prefer later so I wouldn't have the craving of eating everyone's eyeballs." My eyes widen in horror, which Tony chuckled to. "Don't worry, it's not yours I want. As for the bruises..." he tossed one of the helmets to me, "it's nothing." He put his helmet on. "Now, we have to go before someone realizes you're missing."

We walked where the knocked out guards where. Tony grabbed their Launchers and handed me one.

"What about my friends?" I asked.

"What about them?"

"Are we just going to leave them?"

"That's the plan."

My mouth flew open. "We can't just leave them."

"Yes, we can," Tony retorted. "Remember, I'm just here to protect you. Now more than ever." We turned a corner. "Most of your buddies already went through the procedure anyway and are recovering."

"But what about Newt? Thomas? Minho?"

Tony shrugged. "Not our problem." I felt my eye twitch. I can't leave them behind. Rat Man lied to us about the choice being ours. I don't want WICKED to torture them until they give in and say it's ok. And we've risked our lives for each other. What kind of friend would I be if I just left them like that? "We're not that far from the exit so if we -"

I ignored Tony and turned the other way before I started running. I heard Tony groaning before he followed after me. I don't know where I'm running but I'm not going to stop before I get to my friends. Tony's hand reached my shoulder but I spun around and pointed the Launcher at him.

"Back off, Tony!" I shouted. "I'm going after them."

"You're going to get yourself killed," he argued.

"I don't care. WICKED could be torturing them right now. You wanna protect me? Help me get to them. They were the ones that decided you could stay instead of knocking you out at the Scorch." My finger hovered over the trigger. "Either way, if you try to stop me, I will pull this trigger on you."

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