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Brenda led us through the hallways, the only source of light was the red emergency beacons. We haven't seen any guards, which surprised me a bit. The only thing we've seen were those shucking beetle blades. Minho tried to fire one of them, but that ended very badly when he almost hit Newt...who wanted to fire back and shoot Tony.

We ran for a good fifteen minutes until we reached the weapons depot. I thought the doors would have been locked tight but it was wide open. We peeked inside to see the shelves fully stocked with weapons.

"That does it," Minho said. "No more doubt."

"Someone's setting us up," Thomas muttered.

I nodded in agreement before adding, "It has to be. Everyone suddenly disappears, doors are unlocked, weapons sitting here for us. And with those shuck beetle blades crawling everywhere, it's obvious they're observing us."

"Definitely fishy," Brenda said.

Minho looked at her. "How do we know you're not in on it?" he demanded.

"All I can say is that I swear I'm not. I have no idea what's happening."

Newt wandered further into the room. "Look at this." He was pointing to a section of empty wall space and shelves. "Look at the dust patterns. It's pretty obvious that a bunch of stuff was taken recently. Maybe within the last hour or so."

Tony went further in and inspected the area. I covered my nose before the dust could fill my nostrils. Tony ran a finger on one of the shelves and inspected the empty spaces.

"Why is that so important?" Minho asked.

"Can't you figure something out yourself for once, you bloody shank!" Newt snapped.

My eyes widened while Minho winced. Looking more shocked than angry.

I grabbed Newt before he could pounce on Minho. "Hey, calm down," I whispered to him. I cupped the sides of his cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"I'll tell ya what's bloody wrong," he growled. "Tommy goes all tough-guy without a plan, leading us around like a bunch of chickens lookin' for a feed. Tony the Crank thinks he's some great guardian. And Minho can't take a bloody step without askin' which foot he should use."

"Look, shuck-face. You're the one acting like a genius because you figured out some guards took weapons from the weapons room," Minho snapped back, getting more ticked. "I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt, act like maybe you'd discovered something deeper than that. Next time I'll pat you on the freaking back for stating the obvious."

My lips slowly parted when Newt's expression changed. He stiffened up a bit as his eyes started to get teary.

"I'm sorry," Newt murmured. He slowly took my hands off his face and walked out of the room.

I went to follow Newt out but Tony grabbed my arm. "Leave him alone," he instructed.

I tried to pull away. "No, I have to make sure Newt's ok."

Tony yanked me closer so we were face to face. "Your boyfriend isn't Immune. He's slowly losing his sanity. His brain is slowly being eaten away because of this, so the more you leave and try to comfort him the more time we lose. We're in a room full of weapons, I will take one and shoot him if you so much take one step. Your boy toy will come back when he calms down." His grip tightened. "I'm just telling you the honest truth. I'm not gonna sugar coat everything to spare your feelings."

I glared up at him. "I know Newt's not ok. I was in his position not long ago when I thought I was losing my mind. And I acted like a coward and ran away. Newt didn't give up on me no matter how many times I told him to. I'm gonna be there for him whether you like it or not." It's like the Minho could sense my anger at Tony and stand behind him, with his Launcher pointed at Tony's head. "And if you even try to shoot Newt then I will make sure to set you on fire so you can know the meaning of burning in hell."

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