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2 and half weeks later

Xander POV

Nazari and I have been taking things slow. We agreed to be friends right now and get to know each other again. That doesn't count the...sex. The incredibly mind-blowing sex. I can't remember the last time came that many-

"XANDER!!!! I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!!" Taya yelled smacking me all in my face. This may be my child biologically and she may have come from me, but this is all Melissa.

"Your mommy will be here soon sweetheart?" I rolled my eyes getting irritated with her.

"My mommy calls me that. You call me Taya." She pouted leaning into me. Her head resting in my chest. Melissa, please get here soon. I know you have five more hours but please for the love of God, get your kid.

"I'm your-"

"My what?" She cut me off with a quickness.

I stayed silent not saying a word.

"You stole my mom from my mommy!!" Taya started hitting me all over again and Naz snatched her up off of me and yanked her by her shirt to get her to stand up.

"You stop it this instant young lady. Keep this attitude up and you won't have a birthday to celebrate. Mommy is coming soon but I will not allow you to be rude. Period." Naz said sternly and Taya rolled her eyes and walked away muttering under her breath.

"That's it!!!! Get your high yellow ass over here now!!!" Naz yelled and Taya jumped slightly and she stomped back to Naz.

She stood with attitude and I'm amused.

"Why are you acting this way?" Naz asked her trying to calm her voice down.

"I miss my mommy. She took you from mommy. I thought mommies stay together forever!! You promised!!!"She stomped in place and started to throw yet another tantrum. Her golden brown curly locs cascading and bouncing down her back as she jumped in anger.

"I'm sorry Bugga. I'm sorry." Naz tried to calm her but she yanked away from her.

"I hate you." Was the last thing she said before running to her room.

Before Mel and Caylee left to handle business back in America, Naz and Mel had a conversation with Taya about what will be happening when she comes back and why they are no longer together. Taya at first took the news well, but the moment Mel got in that plane, Taya started her little bitch fits. Delayed rage.

Naz was about to go get her but I stopped her. She's angry with me, I should handle it.

I walked to her room and knocked.

"Leave me alone!!" Taya screamed and I walked in anyways.

She was curled on her bed in a ball. Her princess canopy draping over her, and her princess tiara on her head.

"Nice crown," I spoke sitting down. The crown looks like it's made with my college fund times about a million more dollars.

"Thanks. My mommy gave it to me." she sniffles. "She told me when I miss her or get angry or sad to wear it and she'll be right here because Queens always come home."  Taya pointed to her heart and smiled. She really loves Melly.

"That's nice. Well, I came up here to talk to you. Don't be mean to your mom. Be mean to me because you're mad at me. Not her." I sighed and Taya came over to me.

"It's just hard." Taya frowned tears starting to swell up in her eyes once again.

"Awn baby don't cry." On instinct, I closed the distance and held her in my arms, like I did when I gave birth to her.

Expect The Unexpected (Sequel to Unexpected )Where stories live. Discover now