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It's been about a month of me being back home. I've been feeling great. I've been going out with Adaya a lot. She's kept my mind off of things and has been a great friend to me. Naz has been in her p's and q's as if lately and has been good to me also. We're still separated I'm just not ready to fully be with her after that. What she did hurt, but I love her.

Speaking of Adaya aka Caylee here she comes about to knock in my door.

I opened it before she could knock.

"Come to bother me some more Adaya?" I smiled and she leaned in the door seal and chuckled slightly.

"Something like that ma. Wondering if you wanna go to the festival today? Maybe make it a family thing and invite your wife and kid with us, and maybe perhaps I could invite Xander?" She blushed in nervousness. I smiled. So cute and considerate.

"That could be a plan for tomorrow yeah? I wanna do some one on one Adaya and Mel time." I laughed really not wanting the crowd.

She nodded. "Aight I see you. I'll surprise ya with the location then friend."

Naz came up behind and lightly gripped my waist and eyed Adaya.

"Caylee..." irritation and jealousy were laced in Naz's words and I politely moved out her grip.

"Zari relax I'm sure Xander can keep you company. Taya has been wanting to see her." I had to choke down my distaste for Xander.



Naz's eyes bulged out at my request and Adaya chuckled.

"What are you gonna fuck her while I'm gone?" I spat eyeing her and she quickly shook her head no.

"I'm just surprised as all. I know after ev-" before she could finish I planted a kiss on her cheek and tapped the other cheek lightly. Making sure to leave my signature red lips in her face.

"I'll be back later tonight okay? Adaya and I are gonna hang, I'll call to check on you guys. I'll order pizza, does Xander like meat lovers? Taya only eats meat lovers."I said trying to sound as mature about the situation as possible.

"She'll eat whatever Taya is eating. " Naz gulped.

I made my exit swift and walked to Adaya's car only to see her opening it for me.

"Oh, why thank you, kind sir," I said in a British accent chuckling as I reached over to push her door open.

"Right back at ya, toots." She flicked her fingers at me and did a Lil jig in her seat.

"Where is ya dragging me off to?" I was curious and she just speeded down the street.

"You will find out." She smirked.

I let myself doze in her seat since she came before I took my cat nap.

Once I woke up I noticed the car had stopped moving and my body being picked up. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her neck and let my head fall to her chest.

I felt sand beneath me once she placed me down and chuckled.

"You can at least open your eyes goof." She lightly nudged me and once I did, I was in awe.

The water sparkled like diamonds and the trees and bushes made it the ultimate hideaway. It was a large pond like place. I noticed a cute little set up nearby and it was brought over to me

"While you were sleeping I stopped at subway and a gas station because I figured you haven't eaten since I picked you up during your nap time. I noticed you usually eat after your nap." Adaya smiled brightly.

Expect The Unexpected (Sequel to Unexpected )Where stories live. Discover now