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5 Years Later...


I haven't seen my ex-wife since I had our baby, nor have I heard her voice, or have seen pictures of her. I prefer to keep it that way , I heard her and Xander had another baby, he's about Cairo's age Cairo is 5 and their other kid is 4. Taya comes over a lot, she basically lives here, she's 11 now and is as sassy as ever, she's always calling me on her iPad telling me how she wishes she could live with me, but I always have to explain to her that I am her mother but I have no custodial claim over her to take her from her bio mothers. She comes for summers to me though.

My Ex-Wife and her spouse moved to the US and I moved to Sicily. I kind of went no contact with everyone even family, outside of my son and my daughter , I just felt everyone's life would be better without me in it. I went into some serious post-partum depression after Cairo was born and went through it alone, being up all night exhausted ,depressed, overstimulated, overwhelmed, and in literal tears trying to soothe him by myself. You heard it here first folks, Nazari wasn't there, she was to busy going to ultrasounds with Xander. Cairo just started seeing Nazari maybe like 2 years ago but for the first 3 years of his life? She was absent, Taya would come ever summer so she would see her baby brother, and would take pictures of him for Naz for 3 years. No birthdays, No holiday, no nothing for Cairo, so I just stopped calling him her son and I guess word got back to her that I don't claim her as the parent of my child so that's when she started trying to be around.

"Mel, Nazari has a message to be relayed.", My assistant said and I looked up at her.

"Go on.", I urged politely.

"She said they've landed and was wondering if Rayla could come over with Cairo and Taya?",My assistant spoke and I rolled my eyes, since when does Rayla come here to? Rayla is there daughter by the way.

"Just put her through to my office please", I said 

My assistant nodded and put her through, I sighed before I picked up the phone.

"What?", I answered and she gulped a bit.

"What no hello? Five years and have never spoke to you directly.", She sounded upset but how she felt was no longer my concern.

"What?", I egged on the question

"Whatever, anyways could Rayla come with her siblings-"

"Rayla is Taya's sibling not Cairo's", I corrected with a quickness. She sucked her teeth and groaned.

"Could Rayla come with Taya and Cairo to your house.", Nazari asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't her mom here with you?",I questioned.

"Yes.", She answered

"Then no, have some family time with your kid, Taya is with me for the summer, remember? That was the deal.", I spoke

"Why are you taking it our stuff out on a toddler?", She asked and I laughed.

"I'm not, it's just not my responsibility to take you and your partners child, I have every right to say no. Y'all will be here for 1 week before y'all leave Taya here with me for the summer. I will send Cairo to you for a week in the city if that's what you want , but he'd be going by plane with his nanny/bodygaurd.",I said

"Why can't she just come over?", Naz asked

"I do not care for that child so she will not be in my home. That is your baby with Naz and it is your responsibility to care for her Nazari. I don't care what you and Xander had plans to do here for a week. I am not a babysitter. I have no bad blood for you or your new family but your family aside from Taya and my son, aren't welcomed in my vicinity and definitely not my home. Have a day, bye Nazari I'm busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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