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Xander POV

As I walked down to the kitchen I happened to notice Naz in the work out room in the treadmill.

And she's alone. I thought quietly before walking in. She hadn't noticed me. I took my T-shirt leaving me in a sports bra and basketball shorts. I got in the treadmill beside her and she rolled her eyes and focused back on her exercise.

"What are you doing here Xander. Why can't you let me be?" She groaned as she continued to run.

"Don't act like you don't like it," I smirked as I casually walked on the treadmill. My statement was enough to make her pull the emergency stop to bring her treadmill to an immediate halt.

She leaned over in the treadmill.

"I'm not doing this with you, Xander." She groaned again. She grabbed her towel and threw it over her shoulders.

"You didn't deny it." I snarked

"What do you want from me, Xander? I'm not playing these games with you. No, I do not like it when you bother me this way, it's childish. Since you want to talk so much, leave my wife alone." She spat with her anger written all over her face. Yet her demeanor wasn't threatening.

"She'll never be me." I laughed.

She joined in my laughter and clapped sarcastically.

"You're right she never will be. The difference between you and her is that she has my last name. She got the title, she got the privilege to do as she pleases with me and you never will. Another difference is that she didn't pretend to want me for months. She's MY wife and you're a washed-up ex." she winked before walking out.

I remained dumbstruck and silent. Her words hurt. It felt like I'd gotten my heart ripped out.

That's when I heard the door open. Only to see the ice queen herself. Melissa.

"Hurt, didn't it?" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." Was all I could say.

"Don't underestimate me. I will kill you,  I'm as impulsive as Angel if not more. Do not cross me, Xander. You have a good workout lady love." She blew a kiss at me with a wink.


"You're cruel cousin"Angel laughed

"So if that was Zy wouldn't taunt her just a little bit?" I eyed my cousin with a playful smirk. Knowing the answer.

"Maybe a little." She snickered draping her arm over my shoulder

"So slitting Kai's throat was a little?" I laughed and she bumped me with her side as we continued walking.

"I tolerate Xander. If she bothers you or yours any further, let me know cousin. I'll handle it." Angel winked.

"Don't kill her. Just scare her. I don't care what happens to the twit but I care about Nazari'a feelings. " I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Never knew you to be merciful darling" Angel taunted me. I rolled my eyes again.

"Me neither until I started falling in love with Naz and our daughter." I smiled at the thought of them only to get nudged again.

"Have you talked to Laina lately?" I Stopped dead in my tracks.

"No" I simply said

"Well it's a possibility that she's conspiring to hurt us, she is related to Rosalina. Meaning she was born only to kill." She continued.

"She's related to Maverick?! If I would've known I wouldn't have ..." I trailed off thinking about her.

"went through that emotionally draining roller coaster with that toxic bitch. She's your first love, and I know you have no feelings for her now but you can't hesitate. Uncle Roderick didn't train you to hesitate." Angel stood in front of me.

"I won't hesitate if it is her." I smiled thinking about it.

"Well, one thing I know is that even if you'd known you would've still loved her. Love consumes you and eats you up. When you love it's real and true. Blood relation wouldn't have stopped you from going after Laina." Angel budged me and my smile faded instantly.

"As if" was all I said.

"Call me a liar all you want but you know I'm right. " Angel smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"You look at Naz how you use to look at Laina. Don't fuck it up with hesitation got it?" She smacked ass like a coach to one of their players and I kicked her in the butt.


"You are what you eat." She winked and that ceased our conversation.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turned and faced my love.

"Hey, babe." She smiled brightly.

"Hey love, you do know that's my half short right?" I laughed looking at her

" duh. I just didn't wanna work out and be hot." She chuckled.

"Well you look good babe" I laughed and she did a silly pose.

"I know right? Model status "she chuckled

I took the blade from my back pocket sliced open the front of her shirt. Making sure she didn't get cut.

"I like it better open like this." I winked and she took my hand with a blade and cut open her sports bra.

"I like it better like this."

My mouth instantly started watering. I slid the garments off her body.

"What about this?"

"Even better" she answered

Unknown POV

"Hey mister...uhm I forgot your name." Taya smiled tugging at my shirt.

She reached up indicating she wanted to be picked up. I snaked my arms around her tiny little body refraining from the desire to squeeze her to death. 

"That's okay sweetheart, where do you want me to take you?"I forced a smile onto my face and she giggled.

"I wanna go to pizza." She hid her face in my neck as if she was preparing for a no. 

Why would I say no? My mission is to take the child, not to kill her, or worst..yet.

I stroked her long curly hair down her back as I grabbed the keys to one of the twins' chauffeur cars. 

"Why you no ask my friend? Aren't supposed to?" Taya looked in my eyes suspiciously, me not answering only made her struggle to get out of my grip. She kicked and attempted to scream until I covered her mouth. 

"We're going to pick up a surprise  for your friend Angel sweetie and she told me I needed no permission, so did your mommies sweetheart."I cooed stroking her back up and down to ease her.

"I don't want to go anymore, I go inside" Her lip was trembling as she backed away with each step I took forward.

As she turned quickly to open the door I snatched her up and covered her mouth. Her struggle and muffled squeals and screams only made me feel joy. Time to begin this process.




Mel and Xander? 

Mel and Naz?

What will happen next?

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