52 10 8

Family; They are your only allies, friends may come and go. But family always stay - Claire Lockwood.


The forest was pitch black; I was as blind as if my eyes had been scooped out. I heard it, that snap, my body went cold. Bringing my fingers to my eye sockets; they were still there. I turned back to the sound and tried to sprint in the opposite direction, but my feets failed me, I was struck in what felt like a puddle which was more like a mere projection.

Cold claws touched me, I could still feel his presence, his claws like chilling knives as he touched my skin, digging deeper into me. It's sharp edges running around my smooth skin ready to pierce. I could hear my heavy breathing as the sweat from my forehead dropped down my face, it  was enough to fill an entire ocean. I begged for help, for mercy, no one came. I tried to grabbed him, to fight, it was useless, impossible, where was my white hero? where was my wolf ? She promised to be there for her. I felt it then, a slash. I raised my hand to feel the sticky warm fluid about my throat. I screamed; but it only seemed to give him more joy, my pain made him happy.

I wake suddenly, my heart is pounding, mind on high alert. My eyes take in every ray of light, quickly reaching for my neck I tried to find a cut or slash, it was a dream, another nightmare. I have had them everyday since that day each time I died, each time no one came. Every sudden movement brought about more pain it felt  like someone had fired a gun into my body, I looked around once more trying to tell where I was. There was sweat and dried blood everywhere and I was laying on brown paper, A Karen spill.

The noises of a day invaded the room in full swing, sunrays passing through the window blinds, the birds were singing. I crawl my way to my essentials, I needed something to help with the pain, it had never been this bad before, in a fraction of the time the pain usually goes away. I push on remembering I had to check on Emma and clear the mess downstairs before anyone woke up.

Quickly getting up and clearing all trace of the previous night. I went for a shower ignoring how my body hurt with each step. I didn't bother waste time or look at the mirror. I had a mission; getting to my room and unlocking the door I checked on Emma, she looked pretty fine and without a high temperature. Just two more years, we would be able to leave, all young wolves above eighteen could choose to stay at the main house if they haven't found their mate.

We could have left earlier but Emma still hadn't shifted, they called us late bloomers well..... not to our faces though, who would want to offend the alpha? If only they knew.

Turning to my closet, I picked up a black long sleeved turtle next vest and a Jean trouser, I had to be Anna this morning, which means no visible scars. I never really understood why Karen never bothered me as me, only when she felt I was Emma, I was mostly ignored. That's one thing to be thankful for, isn't it?

Racing downstairs I go into full cleaning mood, every where had to be spotless, it wasn't like we couldn't tell father, but we were scared of his reaction. He was so withdrawn when we were growing up, Karen changed that she brought life into our lives and we ended up taking away their happiness. I guess what scared us most was the question; Would father choose us? Or Would he send us away instead?

I was washing the dishes when I heard movement behind me and the smell of Lavender, Karen must have woken up I guess turning back like i didn't notice her presence "She couldn't come down I see" I heard her say " Always waiting for someone to clean up her mess" she continued. Knowing she was talking about my sister I felt anger build up in my system. Enough was enough didn't she get it, she was harming us and for the first time I spoke back.

"Hahahaha" I laughed " Hurting her won't bring back your son" I know it was a bad thing to say but I wanted her to feel a little pain for what she had done to us. The slap came as loud as a clap and as thunderous as a stormy night sky . I smirked, "Is that all you got" I yelled "even Jake could have done better" I saw her move for another one, but I caught her midway this time, putting pressure on the hands
that caused so much harm.

I felt power build up inside me as I pushed her into the corner, I was boiling with rage it had gone on for far too long. Grabbing her other hand as she tried to take another swing at  me, I held both hands above her head and heard myself say in a menance voice "This should be the last time you ever touch me or I would rip you in half, we are stronger and have kept quiet for too long, never again" I couldn't recognize my voice, it wasn't me talking " What are you?" I heard her say in fear.

Walking away without looking back or answering the question.I left the house, I needed a run, What had happened back there? Whose voice was that? It came from inside me but it wasn't me, I needed a place to think and let off steam, the gym.

I was already far into the pack area when I realized I hadn't seen much people on my way, most places were closed. I had forgotten; today was the Crest moon's pack visit, everyone was preparing, well everyone except me.

Every quarter of the year, high ranking members of a pack visit neighboring packs, as a sign of peace, although I always felt it was their way of checking for mates for the superior members while the others waited for balls and gatherings. The Crest Moon's pack was on our far west, they weren't much of a big pack, a tiny one that just moved in a few years back. Rumors had it though that no ugly person existed in that pack from Alpha to Omega they were simply drop dead gorgeous, who wouldn't want to prepare for such hotties. Lol.

Taking a u-turn. I jog towards my special place, who needs a gym anyways. I felt someone tackle me from behind, like what the fuck. We went crashing to the ground, taking down everything within our path. If I think about it I smelt something different, foreign, I just couldn't place it.

Who do you think tackled her down and why?

What do you think Karen would do now?

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Sorry this update was slow, been so busy.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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