Chapter 10 (The End)

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Gaston kept his eyes closed, taking deep breaths. He heard LeFou coming close and a loud sigh, then he screamed, pulling the hunter out of his trance.

He opened his eyes slowly, his hearing seemed to fade. His eyes passed over the small patch of forest, finally reaching the girl's body on the ground. LeFou ran over to the girl, holding her head in place, supporting it on top of his bag. Gaston didn't understand what was going on, what was (Y/n) doing there? Was she the deer? So that was the strange feeling that he knew that animal.

(Y/n) couldn't feel her legs, the shot had passed through her belly and into her spine, leaving her immobile. LeFou held her head and asked if she was okay, she just smiled briefly, but she couldn't be convincing enough, she coughed right away and a small amount of blood came out of her mouth, staining her (s/c) face.

"Whe-where is he?" she asked, referring to Gaston.

"Right there, (Y/n)." LeFou pointed out, some tears coming to his eyes.

The girl turned her face slowly to look at the man, he was static looking at her. Thick tears fell from his eyes, without even blinking or his face leaving an expression other than shock. He walked slowly over to the girl on the floor, his knees bending and letting him fall to the ground, next to (Y/n). His face distorted when she raised a hand and put it on his cheek, more tears falling.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." he started, taking the girl in his lap, pulling her against his chest, but holding her as gently as possible so as to not cause her more pain than she already felt "I shouldn't have said those words, I shouldn't have run away from you that way."

"It's alright... I-I-" the girl tried to speak, but he interrupted her.

"It's not alright! I should've been there with you, I should've understood what you are, I should've loved you the way you are..." he finished, resting his forehead on the girl's.

"I-I love you, Gaston." she finally said, giving him a brief smile.

"I love you too, (Y/n). So I won't let you go so easily!" he got up with her with her on his arms held bridal style.

"The waterfall... Take me... There..." she said, her voice weaker and weaker.

"Hold on, my love. It's gonna be okay." he says, running to the place indicated by her, leaving LeFou behind, completely bewildered.

Gaston ran through the forest, some animals passed quickly by his side, all of them frightened, running alongside them or from afar. Halfway there, the place started to get dark, a bone-chilling silence reigned, the animals no longer followed them. The man noticed that (Y/n) was no longer breathing, she was cold and her face paler than ever. Gaston then started running, he had to get to the waterfall soon, otherwise it could be too late.

When he finally arrived at the site, the water was dark and the waterfall was weak, as if the fountain was slowly drying up. He entered the water, with (Y/n) still in his arms, holding her as if she floated alone. More tears came in his eyes, nothing was happening. She had said to him to take her to this waterfall, right? Was it the right waterfall? He couldn't believe that the only chance he had been given, he had managed to destroy.

While he felt bad in his own world, her body started to sink to the bottom of the lake. Gaston came to himself, feeling the girl slip from his arms, he tried to grab her body, but she sank too fast. They were in the shallows, how could she sink like that? He dove, trying to look for her, several times he returned to the surface, without success.

"Please, (Y/n)! Come back to me!" he yelled as he walked with his back to the shallows again.

After a few minutes he gave up, sitting in the shallows, but still in the lake. He put his hands on his head, trying to make an excuse that that horrible situation could be a dream or just his imagination. His tears started to fall into the water, his face was almost like the waterfall in front of him. What he did not notice, as he had his eyes closed and his hands in front of his face, was that the water where his tears were falling began to shine, each drop made the water on the site release a strangely beautiful glow.

A tug on his leg startled him, he looked at the mysterious being that held his leg. A hand was resting on his ankle, he followed the arm, finding (Y/n) on the other side. She smiled slightly, wet hair covering part of her face and eyes. Gaston sighed heavily, grabbing the wrist that held his leg and pulling the girl against him, making her laugh heartily.

"Please never leave me again." he asked, holding her face with both his hands, the girl's body in the middle of his legs.

"I don't intend to go anywhere." she replied, running her hand through the man's wet hair.

The two looked at each other passionately, the pieces seemed to fit together. Their eyes shone, their faces flushed and souls seemed to connect. Gaston seemed to be the shy one for the first time, (Y/n) chuckled and glued their mouths together. The man opened his eyes wide, but succumbed to the feeling that the two were letting off at that moment. Finally, the Beast had tamed the Beauty.

The Beast and The Beauty (Gaston X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя