Chapter 8

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The horse ran fast through the forest, making (Y/n) hold on to Gaston's clothes. The brunette seemed overjoyed with that, spending time with his beloved was what he wanted most. But, he was calm with the idea that he would have to endure being attacked or threatened by the ex-beast. It would take all the patience in the world to have to stay there with the blonde for, perhaps, a whole day.

After a few minutes, with the speed of the horse, they managed to reach the castle. The girl didn't give Gaston time to get off the animal and jumped out of it, running to the door in a hurry. She knocked on the door, waiting for Lumiere to answer it. When the butler opened the door, (Y/n) said nothing, just ran out into the main bedroom, Bela and Adam's room. Once there, she found Bela in bed, holding her daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. The brunette was sweaty, breathing heavily from the effort she had made. (Y/n) sighed calmly, thank God they were both well. The girl approached the bed, sitting on it, and put her small suitcase beside it.

"I wanted to be here to help you." (Y/n) said, extending her arms to Bela, asking for the child.

"It's all right. In the end, everything worked out." Bela said handing the baby over to the (h/c).

"I wish I could have seen Adam's face." the nymph laughed, using a small bathtub to clean the baby, who was still sleeping like a stone.

"He was so nervous! It looked like he was going to become Beast again!" the brunette said, laughing right away with the (h/c).

Meanwhile, Gaston was standing at the front of the main staircase, being looked at by some employees passing by. The brunette had never felt so weak, he knew he couldn't fight with anyone there. For the sake of the baby and (Y/n). But if Adam found him, things could go-

"What are you doing here?!" the Beast screamed, startling Gaston.

"I brought (Y/n) here." the brunette said, trying to hold his pride.

"What!? I want you out of here now!" Adam screamed again, being heard even by (Y/n) and Belle, and causing the (h/c) to start running down to the castle entrance.

Adam approached Gaston, pushing his body towards the door. In one of the jerks, the Beast squeezed the brunette's waist, making him crouch in pain because of the stitches in the place. (Y/n) arrived at the exact moment that Gaston leaned against the wall to support himself.

The (h/c) ran up to the man, pushing Adam in the process. (Y/n) took the arm that was holding the wound and removed it from the front, preventing Gaston from covering it again. Lightly lifting his shirt to check if everything was still in place.

When she realized that everything was fine, she turned with a deathly glare at Adam. A look that would make the bravest of men shrink in fear.

"What do you think you are doing?!" she screamed, getting up from the floor and facing Adam closely.

"What do YOU ​​think you are doing?! Bringing this man here out of nowhere?" the Beast screamed back, at that moment, it seemed that he had grown in size. However, the man would need much more if he wanted to scare the nymph.

"Gaston is no longer that horrible person! He's changed!" (Y/n) replied, pushing Adam.

"How could he have changed?! He's a monster!" the man said, waving his arms excitedly.

"How can you say that? You were a Beast!" the (h/c) screamed.

(Y/n) then realized that it would be better for Gaston to wait outside. She feared that the brunette would hear or see something unwanted. The (h/c) then helped the man to his feet and led him to the door.

"Stay here, outside, I'll leave with you in an instant." (Y/n) gave a shy smile to Gaston, who smiled back awkwardly.

The (h/c) closed the door behind the brunette, who soon leaned his head against it, wanting to better hear the conversation inside. At the same time, he thought: Adam was the Beast all along? The village thought that he himself had killed the Beast and Adam was one of it's prisoners.

He wanted to pay more attention than ever to that conversation, he wanted to get to the bottom of it all. With his ear pressed to the door, he could hear the discussion inside.

"I can't believe you were going to hurt Gaston when Bela just had a daughter!" the (h/c) said, walking from side to side.

"He shouldn't even be here! You know very well what he tried to do to us!" Adam replied.

Lumiere tried to intervene, but the man put his arm in front of him, asking him not to disturb.

"Everything that happened was due to your curse! The curse you threw against yourself!" (Y/n) said, turning to Adam and facing him closely.

"I caused it?! I had it all figured out! Bela would move in with me and everything would be resolved! But Gaston appeared at the castle with a crowd! And even after months he came here to cause chaos!" Adam screamed, getting close to the (h/c) to the point of their noses touching.

"He's a victim of circumstances!" (Y/n) screamed, getting more animalistic by the second "You can't give him a chance, because you know you haven't changed either! And you think he won't change!" at the moment the (h/c) was scaring the man in front of her.

Bull-like horns sprouted from her head, bear-like claws from her hands and hoof-like hooves turned her feet. A strong aura came out of her body. A draft began to flow around her, pushing the door open and startling Gaston on the other side. The brunette opened the door slightly, putting half of his body inside, but he regretted doing that. He saw (Y/n) like that and was startled, pushing the door completely when he leaned on it. The sound of the door opening paralyzed the (h/c). She knew that the only one that could be was Gaston. And, also, she knew that, for sure, he would not forgive her.

She turned slowly to the brunette, slowly turning back.

"G-Gaston..." (Y/n) said quietly, scaring the man and making him trip over himself "It's not what-"

"Stay away from me..." he said quietly, then repeated louder "Stay away from me!" then ran off to his horse.

The (h/c)'s eyes filled with tears and her knees fell under her. Adam tried to get close, but a loud scream coming from the girl scared him, embarrassing him for everything that had happened. (Y/n) felt her heart break in two, it felt like her world was ending. With that sentence, her world had become colorless, lifeless.

The Beast and The Beauty (Gaston X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum